My little diary: 14th - 16th June 2013

FRIDAY 14.06.13

Third day of relaunch and we have 2 Guest instructors in the House babeh~!!

This is PK from Thailand who is a Body Combat Trainer/Presenter.

It's such an honour to have him in the house! Every single kick, every single jab, every single punch is full of power. And the way he coaches the class, man, I feel like a fighter! And I mean real fighter, not Aud and Tim's fighter. ;)
Lean and Tone - That PK.
 This is Reagan from Penang who is a Body Pump and GRIT Trainer/Presenter.
This man is like a machine! He just keep going and going without the need to rest (make me like a looser nia). Hmmm, correction, this man is a good looking machine! I lost count of the number of girls that fainted that day. Haha! Reagan is too charming.

Hahahahaha That is one hungry bunch of girls!
Stop drooling girls! LOL
I think if I collect all their saliva right, I would have enough to fill up a swimming pool hahahahahaha!!

That's it! Body combat class completed and we are done with Relaunch! :) Well done everyone for the effort to dress up and get crazy! I really enjoyed it! :D

SATURDAY 15.06.13

My little Pistachio turns 7!
Wow that's fast!

It feels like just yesterday when I first wrote about her......and now she is 7 dy! Ha! I must have forgotten that I aged too!

To the sweetest cookie in the world,

Stay happy and stay healthy! 

We love you! :)

My little Pistachio
My little Pistachio (part 2)
My little Pistachio (part 3)

SUNDAY 16.06.13

Good Morning!!

I am out of bed very early today! Cause I want to cheer for the runners doing the 10 km Spring Live Active run! :D
Although LUF is not involved in the run, we think it's a great idea to cheer for the folks and LUF members doing the 10km run! 

Ahhh~, watching them run bring back a lot of memories you know. When I did my first Marathon in Gold Coast (click here), people just line along the road cheering for us. Super love that positive energy, and I just can't help but to stick my hands out and give them a high 5! hehehehe! cheh~, like I know them. LOL! 

And that is the momemtum that kept me going! And today I am gonna pass that spirit down to Kuching folks!

Onion Head Smiley

Then after all the cheerleading, I saw this cat passing by.

Hi Meow Meow~~!!

Next thing I know, she was lying on the road begging for attention. hahahahaha
Aiyo betahan this kitty~ she is such an attention seeker!

*cat purr and begs for more* LOL

Hahahaha Still don't want to go! lol

Such a meaningful sunday! :D I am so proud of you all!

Before I go, Happy Father's day Papa!!
We love you! :D


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