My year 2012 :) :)

I got to say, this is the post with the most~ ~ photos in it, of course mah, talking about a glimpse of a year in a blog post here, capturing the Essence of my life in 2012 leh, must storytelling with photos right?

Ready? Here we go! :) :)

1) So, I started my year with L.U.F Roadshow at the Spring, relaunching Body Jam 59: Till death do we party!
Introducing the BJ team
Party mode is on again in 2013 :D so block your schedule on the first weekend of Januanry i.e. 5/1/13 (Sat) and 6/1/13 (Sun) and head up to Plaza Merdeka to join our quarterly relaunch.  BJ team is performing on Sat at 5pm! See you there~ (Full schedule here)

2) Birthday celebrations (x 3)!

#1 Got a birthday surprise from Baba, DiDi, Nana, Fofo, YC and Nick. :)
#2 Then on my birthday eve, I received an unexpected lecture from my dad about 成家立业. =.="

My cute Mama and my protective Papa ^^ ^^ ^^

You know how serious he is when few months later.....
He bought a chinese lunar calendar for 2013 with 2 folded pages in it *the stress is on*

# 3 On my birthday, I received a toiletrule from Kenny as a birthday present
and faint!

Luckily it's just a prank, my present was a Kenny bear
So cute! Got birth cert one!

3) Attended Kenny's cousin's wedding and met all his relatives.
*SOooo Nervous*

4) Had a surprise Valentine's  trip!
And only knew where we were heading when the immigration officer yelled out  'Phu~ket~' while checking our documentations. Hahaha, nice try dear! LOL
We stayed in the Luxurous Sri Panwa

 and I had Pedicure first time in my life.

This is also where I had my first couple Tee~! *so happy*

I have been wanting this for a long long time!

5) Sprain my leg during BJ 60 rehearsal and missed out on BJ 60's relaunch :(
What to do, when life gives you lemons, you made lemonade out of it.
 But still, 3 days after I sprained my leg, I headed to FHA 2012 in Singapore in my wheelchair. I made the right decision. I get to see the world from a different angle when I sat in the wheelchair, some people just made me wanna kick their ass for being so rude (this is what I called 膝盖以下的男人!!), like I was transparent or something, cut queue and occupy priority seating *Grrhhhgg 我要放狗咬人了*
There was this nice uncle from Hard Rock Cafe, seeing me in wheelchair, he asked us to wait for him and he da pao our lunch for free! *so Gan Dong*.
Bless you, Uncle! :)

6) Registered for my first Borneo International marathon
....but forgot to pay. So instead of joining Kenny, Ryan, Rose and the rest of the group for the run. I end up taking Crayon lesson from my nieces

And we baked our first Chocolate cake together. It's burnt on top and uncooked in the middle. My niece blamed it on me and said that I am like Mr Bean, keep making things worse.
Huh, do you haveto be that honest? T.T *running to my mom*

7) Learn to dive at Kuching Scuba and choked myself! T.T I QUIT!

8) First time to Sri Lanka.

Things we did # 1: Took a local train running at the speed of 40km/hr (or less) to Ella.

Things we did # 2: Took a long bumpy ride to Horton Plains National Park
One of the World Unesco Site which is famous for it's untouched grassland and cloud forest. After taking a photo at this spot, Kenny told me a few couples commited suicide here at Little World's End. (Oh, thank you dear! =.=)
I quite enjoy the walk except there is no toilet around and I had to pee next to a shrub (things we did # 3). If you went there and saw a dark green fertile looking shrub, that must be the one we have peed on. Hahahahaha

Things we did # 4:Ate Sri Lankan food the Sri Lankan way.

Things we did # 5: Ran in the tea plantation and the curious local kids were chasing behind.
We must be the first chinese couple they have ever came across! LOL.

This is our guide dog. Kenny named it Lucky cause it came out from no where and brought us up to Adam's Peak, the sacred mountain. (Things we did #6)

I made my wish here. :)

Things we did # 7: Got spashed by the elephant
 Only then I knew this is also where they pooped.

Things we did # 8: Stayed at a 'Rock Hotel' in Dambulla, called Heritance Kandalama hotel.
 It was a near cavemen experience.

Things we did # 9: Went to Sigiriya (also known as the Lion's Rock).
 It's another UNESCO site in Sri Lanka.

9) Forgot to pay for a bottle of 100+ during my marathon training and still managed to came out from the petrol station without being caught.

10)  Ran my first 21km Marathon organised by the Spring.
And they put me in Men’s division. They said, according to my form, I was registered as Male. But heck, there is no way I can mess up with my gender okay! *refuse to accept*

Opps! It's Kenny Sia lah! Not Kenny Sin!
Sorry dear, it's my fault that they change your surname, my handwriting is too messy!

11) Then, one month later. I did my first full marathon in Gold Coast
and become cacat for the next 2 days.

The bonus for doing a marathon in Aus is I get to meet up with the folks in Brisbane.
This is 古灵精怪的Nick!

I was so glad that Kenny and 学长哥哥 finally met! :) :)

12) Atttended Timothy and Audrey’s wedding in Penang. 
And befriend the make up artist from Anna Sui who saved me from the stress to do my make up.

I love her work. :) Go to her if you need your make up done. She is in Gurney Plaza.
*Thank you Jacqueline*

13) Volunteered in 30 hour famine camp!

14) And not long after the camp, I lost my grandma.
May you always be at peace

15) Hunting fugitive with my sis and niece. Didn't get any richer cause didn't find any. *Booo~*

16) Met Gandulf Archer for the first time!
It was a spontaneous decision to fly to Sg to meet him!
 If I knew it earlier, I wouldn't have eaten the block of wild bush pepper cheese continuously for 1 week, then meeting the God of Body Jam at my fastest ever! #faTfATFAT
*sigh* Nvm, at least I get to meet him.

I was so nervous that my whole body was shaking.
Sorry Lee, I ruined your photo *still shaking*

17) Rescued a baby bird and named it Tweety.
According to the vet, the survival rate of naked baby bird is low.

But we proved it POSSIBLE!
Raising Tweety is one of my proudest moments! It taught me to be STRONG and NEVER GIVE UP!
We are so proud of you Tweety.

18) Did our first Gangnam style Flash mob at the Spring!
That one week of intensive training was worth all the bondings and fun we had. I am super proud of LUF members, staff and friends of LUF for making it happened.

19) At my fittest ever, with trunk fat of 6.4kg
This was after I met Gandalf though.
I did TRX and pilates inspired workout to get this far!

I worked so damn hard!
Cause all Les Mills Instructors did a Photoshoot for Level Up Fitness (L.U.F) (# 20).
Must look good mah!

Some fat came back piling on my trunk after my Japan trip, and a bit more during christmas T.T #reasonsnottoslack So now, I am whipping myself back on to workout again!

21) Travel to Japan. :) :)

Things we did # 1: Visited Sagano Bamboo Forest

Things we did # 2: Homestay with a Japanese host family at Hirayu Onsen.
 Ate the famous Hida beef.....
Wah.....look at the melts in mouth one okay~!! *drool*

 And ate Onsen Tamago (Hot Sping egg).

Things we did # 3: Went hiking in Kamikochi
It was freezing cold (3-5 degress only), I went back with cracked lips.

Things we did # 4: Saw Autumn trees and leaves :) :)
It's scenic!!
Things we did # 5: Prayed at a Japanese Shrine at Matsumoto
It's a unique experience. ^^ ^^

Things we did # 6: Took photos with Hachiko at Shibuya Station (Tokyo)
T.T I cried watching it's story on DVD. I want a dog like that too!

Things we did # 7: Ate Fugu
I didn't know what a 'Fugu' is until I googled it (that was after I ate it). Click here, if you didn't know too. Opps ate it dy, too late!

Things we did # 8: Celebrated Halloween at Tokyo Skytree

22) Being Ji Mui for the first time this year.
We earned quite a lot that day, considering it’s split among 10 of us. Ngek ngek ngek. #easyquickrichscheme

23) Plan the most meaningful 30th birthday for Kenny.

24) Nannying my nieces and lost them when I pay the bills.
Found them in the end and they went home kena punishment. #dontmesswith小姑姑

25) Volunteered my voice being a Narrator

26) Cooked our Christmas Dinner at Apartment :) :)
*sorry didn't take photo cause my iphone camera full liao*

27) And Celebrated the Last few hours of 2012 with Kenny :) :)

*When the clock struck 12*
Smileys watching fireworks

so yeah, that was how my life was in 2012, I got a feeling that it's gonna be awesome this year!
#womenssixsense Hahahaha

Happy 2013 to All of us!


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