My little diary: 8th -10th May 2013

Wednesday 08.05.13

I went Shopping!!! 
 and bought a new bag from Carlo Rino!

I wasn't aware that Carlo Rino is a division of Bonia Group until I read the company history on the tag. Out of curiosity, I google their net that night. Wahhh! It's so nice! Check it out and make sure you turn  on the volume! It's
I have been wanting to buy a new bag since my iphone got stolen (if you haven't read it, here it is) My dad banned me from using my previous bag that is zip less. Bags like that are thieves favorite. They just sneak their empty hands in and for sure, they are gonna get something out of your bag. So for anyone of you who is still using a zip less bag, my advice is put a mouse trap in it. That is how they will learn their lesson!

 My new bag if pretty light and I love the simple yet stylish design.
 I can change the colour of my bag according to my mood too! All I need to do is just flick it inside out! Love that idea!

The top part is zip less still, but inside they have this organizer that you can convert it into a flap bag. It's like MAGIC~! (Wait~ this magic has nothing to do with politics!)

I put all my important things inside the organizer bag and leave the less important things like my pads outside. Aiya...I have yet to buy a mouse trap! Damn you thieves! *clench fist* If I ever see you again, I am so gonna revenge. *counting numbers of mouse trap to buy*.

Beh-song face!

Thursday 09.05.13

At some point of our life, we will have at least a friend or known a friend’s friend working in the insurance industry. Then, the next thing you know, you started to get phone calls from your long lost friend or an impromptu visit from a stranger. Congratulations, you've been hooked by the Insurance agent!

Photo from internet
99% of the people hated Insurance agents. And I certainly belong to the 99%. Reason being, the Insurance terms are tricky we don’t know if we are really going to be insured. Things like, if you lost one kidney function, you don't get compensated, you need both to be down; if you had stage 2 cancer, you don't get compensated, you need to be at stage 3; if you had stroke but can still move one of your limbs, you don't get compensated, you need to be total disability! (according to what my insurance agent told me and based on my understanding)

Wahhh! Buying insurance is like making a bet! 

So, what happen to the 1%? 

They are the one calling the 99%. 

And today, I am meeting my 99%. Having worked in the medical line and actually witness how expensive medical bills are, I got myself committed to my first insurance 2 years ago. Well, I have some protection I guess, but to be honest, I am not sure if the sum insured is enough and I am not sure if I can trust Insurance company that much, judging by the way they teach their agent to close a case.

My 99% is my friend's friend. I have only seen her for like 3 times over the past 2 years, don't know her much but I guess she is an okay person. The only problem I have is - she is talking too fast, and non- stop and over-time! Okay, make that problemS. Then after a supposedly 1 hour lunch (ended up to be 2 hours), I walked out of the restaurant feeling tired. 

Gee, listening to Insurance agent selling their product is so draining wan!

Friday 10.05.13

Was supposed to join TRX and functional fit class, but on the way to Level Up, were announcing that the unmasked fugitives were shopping somewhere in Kuching with a bounty of RM1740!! I think that is the biggest bounty ever in Kuching.  So I thought, just give it a shot - my wild guess is Hills Shopping Mall. 

Search throughout, but nothing found. Instead, I ended up in GNC buying whey powder and multivit and  being their member. @.@ yeah~ I get easily distracted, I know! 

Photo from internet
 -__- instead of winning the bounty, I loss Rm300+ from my pocket *sob*. Okay, whey protein, make me feel better and show me my muscle fast! *guai guai join functional fit class*


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