I just want to BLaH ~~~

Hi bloggie! I am waiting for my sleeping handsome to wake up, this night owl ahhh! So hard to wake him up! So okay loh, I kill time here. 

So in September, I was terribly affected by the haze and Kenny decided to send me off to KK to stay with my sis. Who knows the initial planned stay of 3 days turned out to be 2 and a half weeks. Every time I booked my ticket home, the next day the haze worsen! Fuiyoh~~~ burnt two tickets, my Rm 500 just flew off liddat *heartache*.

Funny thing was, after recovering from my haze allergy  (it was really bad, my face including my eyelids were swollen, red and itchy) I returned home and people start telling me that I have this 'Pregnancy Glow' *laughing at the background* hahahhah for the first time, I was told I am glowing and that joyous feeling is almost like someone telling me I am pretty *bahahahhahaha*.

My pregnancy so far is good! Poppyseed is behaving well so I have no backache or anything horrible. Just that hunger kicks in again (last time have to eat every 2 hours,then beginning of second trimester about every 4 hours, now around 2-3 hours and I get hungry) and what is shocking is when I stand on the weighing scale. OMG!!!! 24 weeks pregnant and I gained 10kg dy! T_____T I was hoping to gain 10kg in total for my whole pregnancy leh. How leh like this?...I cannot help it, i can't eat less cos I can't cope with hunger! 

Then hor, few days ago, I car accident again, second time in this pregnancy!!! Luckily both Poppyseed and I are okay. Ironically, last time I got hit by a Perodua, this time round I hit another Perodua! Man, I hate Perodua!!!!! 

Scratches I admit! But Can you see the dent? Hardly right? Can you believe how much it cost??? 

Not Rm 200-300 oh!! It cost Rm 800!! WTF!!!!! Last time my boot got hit and dented and it takes Rm 800 to repair, this one also Rm800! Which part of you is made of gold ahh Perodua!! You tell me you tell me! So damn expensive! 真是的,原来Perodua才是娇滴滴的公主,真是千金之躯!


心里超不平衡的!!!With Rm800 I can buy a lot of stuff for Poppyseed dy!!!!! *damnit damnit damnit!!!*


Meh~~~ can only accept it! Thank god Poppyseed is okay! Alright, I am gonna wake my sleeping handsome up again, Hungry dy......

Be good Bloggie! 



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