Rice Bucket Needs Rice!

House rules are meant to be abided to!

Although a friend of mine said 'Rules are meant to be broken!' (and she is a teacher LOL)!! Kenny and I have this rule at home which goes like this:

If the husband forgets to close the gate, he shall be punished with one week of no NOODLE (including Ramen and Heng Hua Noodles - both his favourites);
and if the wife forgets to close the gate, she shall be punished with one week of no RICE! 

Sometime last week, I went outside our house to sweep the firecrackers on the floor......

*An hour later*

Kenny: You can't eat rice today!

Me: What do you mean?

Kenny:  You left the gate open!

Me: No!! You just open it!

Kenny: No, you left it opened! So NO RICE FOR YOU FOR ONE WEEK!

Me:  I LEFT IT OPENED? (I thought I did close the gate.....*emo*)

Me:  Okay loh.....#houserules

Luckily that night, I had Heng Hua Noodles (the best noodle in the world *love*) and I didn't feel a pinch of pain at all!

As the day past, it's becoming hard to deal with Rice-less days (especially when I see people eating rice!). Then I started to develop this syndrome which I believe is coming from Rice deprivation, whenever I open the gate, I'll mumble to myself 'Close the gate, Close the gate, Close the gate....' until I closed it. And my cheeky husband will always try his best to trick me to NOT CLOSING THE GATE! AIYA, THIS DEAR DEAT AHHH ~ ~!

I am so glad today is the last day of my punishment and I can buka puasa tonight! Yay to RICE!

 *at a friend's wedding*

Okay loh...
...... I wait for tomorow. 




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