Wedding 101: Which one is for you - Printed v.s. Electronic wedding invitation? Which one did we go for? :)

Hi~~! It's a PH over here in East Malaysia, so I thought I should make my day productive by getting this long waited post on Wedding 101 up! 

:) :)

In my previous post, I wrote about How to select your dream wedding gown (and where to get it ONLINE!)? and today it's about INVITATIONS - PRINTED OR ELECTRONIC? 

There are different ways of doing the same thing.


20-30 years ago, perhaps printed is the only way to go.

But with the birth of technologies, and emphasis at going eco green, more people are willing to give electronic invitations a go! So which one is for you?

Instead of me doing the brainstorming, I want to do it differently this time. You should be doing it (hehe).

Get a piece of paper (A4 is good), fold it into half. Draw a table with 3 rows and 3 columns on one side. On the row, pop in 'printed' and 'electronic' and on the column pop in 'good' and 'bad'. It should look something like this:



Start writing down your ideas and you'll know what you favour the most! Go ahead, get your brain juice flowing.

Image from Internet


On the other side, consider these questions:
1) Who are my guests?
2) What is convenient for my guests - printed or electronic?
3) How's our budget like?
4) What we (bride and groom) think about it?
5) What our parents think about it?

For example, if your guests are mainly your parents's friends (again, very common in asia), a printed invitation would be more appropriate (even if you have the budget and you don't mind electronic) - firstly due to formality and secondly, printed invitation is more friendly for them to refer to.


As for Kenny and I, since we're inviting only 60 close friends and family for our ROM, we decided to go electronic.

TIP #1: Choose your platform. e.g. FB, electronic invitation or wedding blogs. For us, we use evite! :) :) Love it!

TIP #2: Make sure your guests have valid email addresses. 

There are a lot of occasions to choose from at evite and you can select the design you like.....

Plug in your details.....

Leave a message for your guests! 

Hit send! How easy? 

TIP #3: Always set a RSVP date! so you have enough time to follow up messages or making further arrangements.

TIP #4: Get your guests involved.
You can create conversation, share photos and even create polls with evite. :) I think that is brilliant? Don't you think so? 

Just click here and start playing with it!

NEXT POST: How to apply for ROM (a MUST READ)!

NEXT NEXT POST: My Make-Up Artist: Mui Lin (highly recommended)!!! :)


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