Wedding 101: The HOWS of applying for ROM outside of JPN and my application story!

Finally, JPN find time to update their website! *Clap Clap!!!* Here is the link.

This, is my simplified version, which I shall call it... 


An Example.

Jessica and Ben are both from Kuching and they are planning for their ROM to be held in their backyard on 01-02-2015 (Sunday). So between 01-01-2015 and 09-01-2015, they'd have to head to their nearest JPN office to complete the application. 

[Why that time? Refer point 3 shortly.] 

1) JPN Offices in KUCHING

    a) Ground Floor of JPN office:
        Operating Hours: 
        Mon - Fri: 7.30am - 5.30pm (Fri off: 11.45am - 2.45pm)
        Next to TM building near King Centre Roundabout

    b) UTC:
        Operating Hours:
        Mon - Sun: 8.30am - 9pm (Fri off:11.45am - 2.45pm)
        Top Spot (if use Lift: Press Level 4 - UTC Aras 2)

2) Both Jess and Ben would have to prepare the below:
  • IC
  • Photocopy of Birth Cert
  • 1 recent passport size photo (BLUE background)
  • Wedding invitation card or Venue rental receipt (Or any doc as proof of ROM outside of JPN office)

3) And complete these forms: 
     a) Form JPN.KC 01E: [Validity: 1 month!!!]
It's called 'Permohonan Lesen Untuk Mengupacarakan Perkahwinan Di Suatu Tempat lain Daripada Pejabat Pendaftar', which must be submitted together with Form JPN.KC 02!

    b) Form JPN.KC 02
It looks like this! This is a standard/compulsory form for all couples to fill, (regardless of the ROM venue) 

NOTE: All signatures to be made in front of a JPN Officer.

4) After signing and submitting both the forms, Jess and Ben:

  • Will be given a letter to the Resident.
  • They'll have to make a trip to the State Resident Office, 
Operating Hours: 
Mon - Fri: 8 am - 12.30pm (Fri till 11am)
               2pm (Fri starts 2.30pm) - 4pm

Located at: 
Level 7, Menara Pejabat Kompleks Islam Sarawak, 
Lorong P Ramlee 5 , Off Jalan P. Ramlee 
93400 Kuching
(Behind Hepoh Building)

5) Just inform the officers the purpose of your visit:

  • Magistrate will be sent to witness the signing of Section D2 of Form JPN.KC 02. (Process fee: Rm4). 
  • Then, Ben and Jess will be sent to see the Resident.

6) Once the Resident sign the documents:
  • Head to Level 6 - Administration (Kuching Division) to make payment for Form JPN.KC 01E: Rm 500. Note: Cashier closed at 3.30pm!
  • A receipt will be generated and it must be handed back to the JPN office for the application to be processed.

7) Back at JPN:
  • A Formal letter will be issued to Ben confirming the appointment for the wedding. (Process fee: Rm 20)
  • Form JPN.KC 02 will be displayed publicly on the JPN noticeboard.

8) Two days before the ROM, in Ben and Jess's case - 30.01.2015 (Friday),:
  • Return to JPN office with a photocopy of their witnesses IC.
  • And they'll be informed of the Name of the Wedding Registra solemnizing their ROM.

9) On the day, the Couple and their witnesses MUST:

  •  Dressed decently/ formally (No Jeans/Shorts/ Flip-Flop/T-shirt allowed)
  •  Bring along their IC.

10) Sign the paper and they'll be pronounced Husband and wife, with their Marriage certificate given on the spot!

*Gao DIM* 


It took me *counting fingers*......9 trips to complete my application!

FYI, my ROM was on 30.03.2014 (Sunday).

1st trip: It was soon after the proposal (Sept 2014), we were told it's too early to apply and asked to come back again early next year.

2nd trip: okay loh, we came back again. This time round, we were told it's too early to apply still, and we have to come back in March.

(T____T Why explain things alang-alang wan?!!)

3rd Trip: We came back Early March and finally, we got the two forms in (Read Joke here) and they generated a letter to the Resident. It was only THEN, we know we have to travel to Resident Office 


Okay, never mind, luckily Kuching is small and easy to drive around.

4th Trip:  Arrived at Menara Pejabat Kompleks Islam Sarawak. But too bad, they went for early lunch break! 

(=____= ALAMAK~~~!!!)

5th trip: We returned 2 hours later. Saw the Magistrate. Then, brought to Resident Office, only to learn that RESIDENT ON HOLIDAY!!!! And there is no one else, except the Resident, to approve our application. 

That piece of news put me at the verge of crying! I was so worried with the timing. 


Form JPN.KC 01C - the so called 'Express Application'. Pay extra RM 100. I argued that we only have 9 days to apply and it wasn't our fault that the Resident is away, can't that be exempted?!  T______T In the end, still have to pay! *wasted my saliva*

6th trip: Resident was in! We were called in for an impromptu interview, which we panicked a little, thinking ehh website didn't mention this leh! 

And the interview goes like this: 

Resident: Are you willing to Pay Rm500 for this?
Kenny: Yes! 

*The end*

Cheh~~ We thought we have to convince him to sign! Good also, can proceed to do payment at Level 6! BUT!!!! Cashier closed at 3.30pm! 


7th trip: Returned to make payment the next day!

8th trip: Then back to JPN to show them the receipts! Ahh! Finally, we got it submitted!

9th trip: At JPN 2 days before our wedding for final confirmation.

On the day: I was so glad the Wedding Registra came earlier! 

Ehhh? But how come got 2? *prepare another Ang Pow T____T broke*

I guess it doesn't matter now, we had a beautiful ROM with the important people in our life and those memories are worth all the hassle. 

I hope this helps and hope that yours are much smoother than mine. Here is another 1,2 blog links for you if you needed more info. 


Next: Wedding 101: In case you are looking for Live Wedding Band, here it is!


  1. doing my ROM researches and found you.. super funny la haha
    but those info helps a lot! thanks

    1. haha. after 4 years and reading it again, i still find it funny too! hahaha. Have fun planning your ROM!


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