Our Love Story

2009: He always comes in late to buy coffee.

Jan 2010: We met again, this time in his gym.

April 2010: I became one of his Les Mills Instructor.

May 2010: We went Bali at the same time, coincidentally that is, and had dinner together.

Since then: I have been thinking of him. *blush*

Feb 2011: I took out tonnes of courage and asked him out on my birthday.

18th March 2011: He kissed me. His heart was beating so fast he said the Barista gave me one shot, you gave me two!

Over the last 3 years: We did a lot of things together. We exercise together, we travel together, we run marathon together, we cuddle, we joke, we share every moment together and I know he is the one. 

A man that is there for you on every ups and downs and accept you the way you are is a man that truly loves you.

9th September 2013: He knelt down on one knee and proposed. I said 'HARRR??? WHATT?? NOW??? before I said YES!!! lolol I know, such a silly me!

March 2014: We celebrated our 3rd year anniversary.

And next week: We're getting married


  1. Congrats Ming! Wish you both a great journey together as husband n wife :)



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