Joke of the Day # 17: Jay-lous

*Watching Amir Yussof's performance at SSPCA's Gala Dinner at BCCK*

Me: *talk to self* Wow~!! He is good!

Me:*turn to Kenny* Wah Dear! He is really good! I like his deep voice!

*Admiring Amir's performance for the next few minutes + applauded loudly after his first performance like I'm his biggest fan liddat hahaha*

Me: *turn to Kenny* He's good! I really like him lah! He is so talented!

Kenny: *stare* Aiyo!! You said it soooooo manyyyyyyy times dy!!!

*then spin the rotating center of the dining table*

Me: ???!!

*and pour the vinegar onto his spoon*

Me: Awwwww~ ~ ~ ~!! Dear Dear jealous har?

Kenny: *whimpers*

Me: Hahahaha! Like this also jealous ahh? I only said I like his deep voice nia leh ~!

Kenny:*drinks vinegar from his spoon*

Me: Hahahahahaha! Awwwww~ my dear dear~ ~, baby siok siok (=sayang)!  *ruffles hair*

It's kinda cute to see your man jealous over something like this, don't you think so? LOL!

Awww my dear dear!

Muah Muah Muah Muah!

p/s:drinks vinegar = 吃醋 = in chinese it means jealous... LOL


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