My little diary: 16th - 18th May 2013

THURSDAY 16th May 2013

Since I am heading off to KL on Friday and will miss out on my Friday workout, I decided to switch my exercise routine to Thursday. 

It’s Crazy fit! Jeng Jeng Jeng!

As the name suggest, crazy fit is Crazily intense! And this is how I feel before, during and after class ....... 
Before: sap sap water
During: Are we there yet??
After: Ambulance please *half dead*
 We did 300 x clean and press at 20-25% Body weight, then every 2 minutes we have to push up 5 times. Siao!
Here are the group of Siao people! Hey hey hey Esther, why are you sitting there! 

I did my first 50 Clean and Press alright, after that I felt like my shoulders are getting heavier each time.  But if others can do it, I can too right! 

So what I did was changing my strategies, instead of going all out and get exhausted very quickly, I space it out into manageable chucks of clean and press. So mentally and physically, I know I can handle it. I did 5 clean and press and rest 10 sec.  
But I am proud to say, I completed my challenge. 300 x clean and press completed at 43mins 29 sec and I did 105 push up. Man, this is a super woman workout or what!

FRIDAY 17th May 2013

We are off to KL for Les Mills Quarterly Workshop!
Level Up gang at Body Combat class
Thanks to Malindo for making AirAsia flights so cheap, it’s the first time we have almost everyone flying to kl for the workshop. So Kenny and I thought, why not have a gathering too.

So we had a mini gathering that night, feasting and chitchatting! :) I think everyone were so hungry after the workshop, we ate like a horse! That aside, I think we had a good time and also good laugh. Hahaha how could we not when Corina and Ryan were there! They are always so entertaining! LOL.

I was soooo fuuullllll, my tummy was bulging! I think I ate more than what I burn, damn, that is fattening!


Aiya, forgot to take group photo.

SATURDAY 18th May 2013

Day 2 of Les Mills Workshop! Jam is on today. And for the first time all the Kuching Jammers are here! 

Aiya, forgot to take photo agaaaainnnn!!! =_______=  

Okay, improvise then. Here is a photo from last release! Don't we all look good!

The new release of Body Jam 65 is so super-duper awesome!!! It's my TOP FAVOURITE NOW! I can’t’ wait for RELAUCH!!

Ahemmm! There will be surprises during relaunch! So just come and join the fun on 13th June 2013 (Thursday) at Level Up Main Studio.

Can't ruin the surprise! Got to stop here! *shhhhhh~ *

See you there~ ! :D

*countdown 3.5 weeks*


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