My little diary: 11th - 15th May 2013

Saturday 11.05.13

The best mom in the world is the one that you can bond with.


This year's mother's day is quite special to me. I get to spend time with 2 women that are important to me - my mom and Kenny's mom.

When I was little, I had severe skin problems, causing both my hands and feet to crack. My skin was so tight that I couldn't stretch my hands open. It's so painful!! Mom always feel guilty about it because I would ask her if I am an adopted child (I am the only child with skin problems)

Sorry mama, I don't mean to hurt you, I was just a kid.

I remember every night, mom would soak my feet with warm water before applying lotion to soothe them. Those images were deep in my memories that after all these years, that is the only childhood thing I can recall. Thank you mama! You are a great mom!

And now, I have grown big and strong, I find my mom cute. Hahaha, she is more of a kid than I do. LOL! Oh my cute mama. :)

Another important woman is Kenny's mom. I am grateful that Kenny's mom is very accepting of me and treated me like her own daughter. Haha sometimes I feel like I am her friend too cause she would talk to me until Kenny has to interrupt cause no one is talking to him. LOL! Hahahahah. We are very similar in some ways - we are both Heng Hua, both fingerprint less (what is the odds) and we both have a workaholic partner.

Hey ......dear dear, did you fall for me cause I resemble your mom har? ......Wait! Pretend I didn't ask.

So on the eve of mother's day, I get to spend time with the two important women in my life: breakfast with mom and dinner with Kenny's mom.
 Happy Mother's day!

Sunday 12.05.13

Happy mother's day to all the moms around the world. Here is a huge bouquet of flowers for you!

I join you all in a few years time. LOL!

Mom was volunteering at Tzu Chi Foundation for a 'Buddha Bathing Ceremony' and I went to support the event. 

The ceremony is simple, you just dip you fingers in water just in front of the Buddha (symbolizes cleansing) and you pick a flower from the plate and raise it to your forehead (symbolizes Buddha's wisdom) and you put your palms together. And that's it! I got my soul cleanse!
Isn't that beautiful? Credits to mom and the rest of the volunteers. It took them a few weeks of preparation to get everything you see in the photo nicely set up. Well done!

Monday 13.05.13

SHIT! Tayar pancit!!

I spent RM 350+ for a new tyre, only then my colleague told me, it can be fix at less than RM20 without changing the tyre! T.T
(do excuse me but saying shit is stress relieving)

Tuesday 14.05.13

Tuesday is my small group training day! 

My workout are: 
Crunches x 30
Flutter kick x 30
Russion Twist with plates x 30
Bicycle crunch x 30
Side Planking with rotation x 10 each side

Repeated 3 times!

Man I feel good!

Wednesday 15.05.13

Dreamt that Kenny missed our wedding! T.T

He said 'baby, 我去一趟新加坡就回来,来得及的~ ~!!' and he missed his flight back to Kuching!

Onion Head Smiley I was damn upset in my dream!

Coming back to my waking life, when bf says '来得及的~ ~!!' I know he meant 'Baby, we have to sprint to the gate to make it in time! Red Zone (max heart rate)!'

Onion Head Smiley

Can't believe our constant rush to airport gate has made it to a new level! It felt sssssoooo real in my dreams!

Now to be safe, no traveling is allowed one week before our big day dear dear!


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