Celebrating 28

Age 26.

Age 27, exactly one year ago on my birthday :) :)

Age 28, after perming my hair.
I think I am transforming into a woman :) :) 

*Birthday Eve*
Got a bouquet of roses from my bf. 
At first I thought got ring hiding somewhere in it, but didn't find any! 
 hahaha, no lah no lah, just joking lah~
He bought me flowers and celebrated my birthday with a cake and birthday song. 

On my birthday morning, Mom gave me an Ang Pow before we went out for breakfast. She said this Ang Pow is her blessing for me, and she wishes me an auspicious year ahead. 
Awww ~ my cute Mama. Thank you! :) :)
The little girl on the Red Packet looks exactly like my niece! :D
I called up my Dad in the Kopitiam and thanked him and mom for bringing me to this world! I told Kenny.....

Me: My dad was so happy when I said that to him over the phone. He kept laughing and laughing. Like he wanted to say something to me but couldn't control his laughter. 
*then pretend to be like my Dad and start laughing*

Kenny: hahahahahaha! Maybe he wanted to tell you, you were an Accident leh! 

Me:  =_________=

Ha-Ha very-funny!
 ....can't believe that is coming from the man I love 


But this is also the man who starve me till 9 ish pm, trying to cook me a 3 course meal on my birthday.--> Chicken and Herb Soup, Pasta, and Dessert. Out of the 3, the soup was instant, the dessert was Haagen Dazs so really, the only cooking required is the Bow Tie Pasta. I don't know why it took him soooo long to prepare. 

He said: I spend most of the time reading instructions and getting the ingredients, baby!
 LOL. My bf rarely cooks, and this is the first time he cooks non meat items for me. hahaha!

He even said: Don't eat it if it's not nice okay? *feeling uncertain with his cooking skills*

Awww~~ but dear dear ahh, I am already so happy that you cook for me, how can I not finish it?  像你这样体贴的男人一定要加分,而且一定要赏脸吃完它 (虽然pasta煮的不太熟) LOL  :)  

*after our dinner*

Kenny: Okay baby, here is your real gift! I wrap it myself!

Me: hahaha, can tell.

And he got me.....
 *love love*
* love love love* 

The Shoe I wanted!!! 
At the right size!! :D
Thank you dear! 
It's perfect! :) :)

Together with the shoes, he wrote me a birthday card that starts with.....
' I want to write you a proper letter but I ran out of time :( '

LOL ~ ~ This dear dear ahh, go airport last minute, write birthday card also last minute.

But that is the best gift of all. Reading it makes me teary.
Being with you make me the luckiest girl in the world. 
Thank you for everything you have done for me my dear! I love you too!
:) :)

And that is how I spent my birthday!

*the end*


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