My new hair

Hi Bloggie ~ ~! I miss you~ ~ Home internet is down so I have to abandon you for a while. Sorry~ !

Now, Updates! :)

Two things have changed since Mommy last spoke to you: One, my hair; Two, my skin.

My hair is still black, but it's no longer straight. I permed it, thinking it's the best thing to do cause the back of my head is so flat that I thought curly hair would give it more volume and shape. Plus, Kenny was away in KL (again) so it makes perfect sense to have my hairdo at this time.

The problem is, the girl who did my hair doesn't seem skillful enough. T.T

I went from looking like this ....

To looking like this...... :(

When my 2 bro saw me, he went OMG~! Then, stood there with his mouth wide open.

When my 2 sis saw me, she said 'Wah~ like bird's nest!'

When my niece, Belle, saw me she said 'Just now got lizard scare you har?'

When my dad saw me, he asked why was my hair so messy. After knowing I permed it, he commented '怎么把头发搞到这样,像大白菜一样'. =.=" Neh, you know, the lion dance kinda 大白菜?

When my little pistachio saw me, she asked one critical question ' 小姑姑,Kenny koko 还认得你吗 (Does Kenny still recognise you)?'

Yahor, how would he react?........


When he picked me up the next day......


Me: *cover my hair with scarf* Ready for the surprise dear?

Kenny: *fearful look*.......ah~.....

Me: *burst out laughing uncontrolably* HAHAHAHAHAHA

Kenny: *pulls away my scarf and stare at my hair*....................................................................* 5 seconds liao, he is still staring at my hair*

Me: it that bad?

Kenny:'s worse than 大白鲨 *that is the nick we call our disciplinary teacher in high school*

...........and lion........

Me: Onion Head Smiley




Well, that is what I thought, but he told me he is still not use to my hair. One week plus liao wei~ T.T......this shitty hair gave me another problem. It triggered my allergy. The chemicals they use for hair perming cause my neck and ears to itch!

The itch was so bad that popping a pill or two of antihistamine down my throat doesn't subside the redness and itchiness.

GoSH~ ! Do you have to give me such a hard time to cope with my looks and my health at the same time, huh? I feel so bad for Kenny, he has to cope with whatever I am having right now. But I also feel touched at the same time. Cause 'A man's heart is tested, when his girl is at her ugliest moment, And yet, he still tells her, he loves her'.

:) :) I love you too.

Wishing myself speedy recovery, and get pretty soon.


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