Kenny's birthday is coming....

......27th November last year......

I pre-booked his schedule, asking him to be available for me after lunch. I requested a text by 12.30pm so I can execute my wicked surprise!! :) HeHeHeHe...

He did as told. I drove my SIL's white Prado and secretly parked outside of his house and tiptoed to his gate. I know he wanted this back!

His bicycle!

I confiscated it for one month after witnessing him almost being crushed on the road! The image is still so clear in my head. He was just inches away from the passing vehicles and most of them didn't realize he was there cause there were no lights!  He didn't have sufficient safety gears, no lights, no helmets, no rear mirrors....If you were me and you were seeing this when you follow him from behind, in a car that is [ I still can't ride a bike :( ], I think you would do the same too right?

I told him I am keeping his bicycle until he got all his safety gears. That same night he spent hundreds of $$ over the internet getting the gears for his bicycle. HUHH~, d(@__@')b that bike is getting so much attention from him, I am jealous!

But a promise is a promise. He got his headlights, rear safety lights, helmet light, laser light (if forms a bike lane on the road), LED tire flash light etc. So I am returning it to him. As I wheeled his bike to his gate. I heard him clicking on his car alarm out of a sudden! I quickly knelt down and hide from his vision. OH NO~! If he drove out, my surprised would be ruined!

Luckily, it was a false alarm, haha, he was only getting his stuff from the car. Phew~! *sweat*

Once I left, I asked him to check his gate for his first surprise! :)

His beloved bike *jealous jealous jealous* + a rose + message on the saddle which I ask him to head to Paradise wellness by 1pm. :) :)

Mission 1 Accomplished! HeHeHe.....

I reached Paradise Wellness just minutes before him. The car park was fully occupied that day and I was worried that he might recognize my car when he circle around finding a park for himself. So I hid in my car with the window curtain down. I told him to send me a photo receipt when he reached the intended location. He did, and I knew it's now safe to hand over his second roses to the staff on Duty, together with his next piece of clue.

Mission 2 Done!

While he was enjoying his 2-hour full body massage, I did so many things.
I set up his empty apartment all by myself! I got the orange and purple balloons ready....

Candles ready....

Chill the sparkling juice....And I kidnapped my nieces mini eating tables and large cushions from my home. Oh, and also MAS blanket as table cloth. Don't ask me,  I don't know how the blanket ended at my house. I did so many things one after the other, I FEEL SO MIGHTY!

At 3 ish. He was done with his masage. I know he has the habit of writing a blog post on his birthday, so the second piece of clue was to direct him to Jalan Song Starbucks. I got him the in season drink and a full 2 hour Me Time for him to blog! Big Tick on Mission 3!

Guess what I was doing??

I went and collected his birthday cake, did some shopping and cook the sushi rice! :) OMG! The surprise was so extensive! How did I come out with this idea? LOL.

The 2 hours past so quickly. Next up, he would get my rose and message from the Barista to head to a nearby park. As soon as he reached, I hugged him. This is gonna be our mini Us Time before dinner. :) :) and the program was Flying kite!

We took Dragon out for some fresh air but unfortunately he still doesn't wanna fly. >.< Tell mommy, when are you gonna fly up high Dragon?? *Sigh*

When the sun sets, I handed over the 4th rose to him and hugged him. :) :) Happy birthday, my dear dear! I love you! On the note, I told him to get ready by 7pm and I will pick him up for dinner.

To - His - EMPTY - Apartment!!

Not bad lah, perfect for candle light dinner. 

Except that it turn pitch dark in the photo. 

Menu for the birthday boy: Partially Homemade Sushi. hehehe, I cooked the rice and top it up with the Sashimi I bought. Nothing can go wrong with sushi, no cooking required!

Wahh, everything you see in this photo semua tapao from my home you know! Geng leh!

With the dim of candle lights with soft music playing on my phone, we had our dinner. A toss - A sip - A smile x N times. And a birthday cake and the 5th Rose for the birthday Boy. That was how he celebrated his 29th Birthday! :) :)

So romantic hor?

I don't think I can beat that record this year. What should I do/get for him this year? It's his big THREE-ZERO birthday! I think a Meaningful, Memorable and Magical one sounds Good! But what exactly? I am really running out of ideas!.....

HELP!! Anyone got any suggestions? I really needed some inspirations. Share share leh.....PLEASE~

*Countdown: 22 days to Kenny's birthday!*


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