
Hi People! Or should I say, Hi Siew Chin, I am so surprised to find that you are following my blog on NuffnangX. So touched until I wanna cry ahh I tell you, cause you are my Lucky number 1! :) You will be the first to read this too.

Fresh from the oven!

Today is my Big sis's 10th wedding anniversary and also my SIL's birthday. Things are getting pretty exciting for these two ladies. My sis got her bouquet of flowers from her loving husband and my SIL got a surprise from Us. We pay her a visit and she was in PAJAMAS! Hahahaha! Nice way of celebrating your 39th birthday huh, sure unforgettable one.

Handsome (our factory manager) got her a Mocha cheese cake. Died! so fattening! I told handsome not to buy cake that is too sweet cause my SIL doesn't like it. Great! Now he brought Fat over! uhhhh, should have told him I am on diet! To eat or not to eat leh? *struggle* .....>___<""............

The guilt is piling on me, 2.5 weeks to go till I show you my abs and here I am ruin the plan! No more cakes for me till I am done with my project k! *I am serious*

 Okay, share something happy! :) My cute Nieces!

This is my niece who cried last time when she missed out our Gangnam Flash Mob. 
Her name is Keira. My little Pistachio! She followed me to my SIL's house cause she wanted to eat the cake! Hahahaha betahan her, all her interests are about food!

She said she is Angry Bird and I am the Angry Pig! *oink*

The thing about this sweetie pie is that, she is so authentic. She does things she likes, she shows her true feelings, she adore herself more than anybody could and she has a heart that melt mine.
 Cute or not? A 6 year-old's drawing of her 小姑姑! Awww~ How sweet! 
So this is how I look like in the cartoon version, like a boy! lol!

 Keira has an older sister, her name is Belle. She showed me her drawings and I went laughing uncontrollably.
Hahahaha, love the details she added! Flowers for me with love in the air! Oh, oh, check out my first LV bag everyone! Although I am not a fan of LV but she gives me one of the prestigious bag in the world! Aww~, she loves me. Hahahaha, and I don't know how she knew about, ahem, me calling Kenny dear dear. I never mention that in front of her Pun!

This one is cute too!
Hahahaha, I can see a pony tail growing on Kenny's head. LOL! 

The other day, my big sis came back home with her girls. And belle initiated to plant some Sunflowers in our garden. The girls liked the idea and they were digging holes and seedling it. I find them so adorable when they gave me a clueless look, asking how to put a marking on so the gardeners won't ruin it. I suggested to put a stone next to it and they went running everywhere hunting for one. :)

Hahahaha, so cute! A bunch of innocent girls marking their territory. :)
I like it when I spend time with the girls, they always have something to show me, may it be their drawings or some cool ideas. The big kid inside me is so attracted to them. :) hehe, I am definitely a family person.

Love you girls ~!

*Countdown: 16 days left*


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