
Yay~! Internet is alive!

*Super quick post*

So, since my last entry about my panda genes. I have been quite sensitive to anything that is black and white in colour. Even walking past a piano reminds me of my panda genes. >.< The next day after the post, my mom made us all bird's nest soup and the subsequent day, ginseng chicken soup, hahahaha,  I wonder if my mom was reading my blog secretly. Over the one week, I have slowly accepted the fact that ageing is Natural and I choose to Embrace it. If I am starting to age, I wanna age gracefully. And Pa, although you gave me the genes, I still love you! Ok done!

Now, here come the exciting part. Jeng jeng jeng! I am now in the middle of a secret project *wicked smile*. I have 3 weeks to tone up and I am earning myself the lines I have always wanted, the obliques! I am really working hard for that and I have decided to post my photo of my abs up in 3 weeks time. hahahaha, I am going to whack myself to work harder after this.

Okay, gotta head to LUF now. and  Happy mooncake festival everyone!

*Countdown: 3 weeks*


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