Last Chapter of Life (Part 1)

In the Hospital ward right now, accompanying my grandma for the night; hopefully she will be going home tomorrow. We know she wants to go home.

Relatives are in and out of the room and with a big family like mine; it has been a busy day for her just talking to them. She is totally exhausted, sleeping peacefully like a baby in front of me.

I watched her, thinking back of the drama that happened this morning.

The sun began to rise when I received a called from my ex-colleague, she is an ICU nurse and such a coincident that she was taking care of Grandma for the past two days since she was admitted. My ex-colleague was calling for help, my old granny was cursing and scolding them, thinking that they were bad people trying to poison her! And her systolic blood pressure shoot up to 230 +. but her so called ‘poison’ is actually her blood pressure medication. So dramatic right??

She maybe old, but she is very cautious with what she puts through her mouth. When it comes to serving medications, there are only two people whom she trusts, 1) my SIL 2) myself. But what worries me most, is how long can she keeps those medicine down since she has been vomiting on and off??

With my aunty standing one side, and me the other, we comforted her, convinced her that the nurses are all my friends and they will take good care of her. The old lady had no idea she was in hospital, with her fearful eyes, she said ‘I thought I got kidnapped, waking up on a different bed and seeing non familiar faces.’ We thought it was funny, but for a deeper thought, it was translated as ‘I am scared! L

We didn’t stay long cause it’s end of visiting hours in ICU and we are seeing her Primary doctor 3 hours later anyway. She was well behaved after we left.

11am on Good Friday, we meet with her Doctor. Her results of her MRI is out. Receiving report card in school is terrifying enough, what else to say a medical report? Her doctor showed us the films, there is something covering half the size of her left Cerebellum. It could be a bleed or tumour…

That explains everything, her giddiness, her nausea, her high BP! Things are not looking good. Her sentence was announced ‘From now onwards is extra time for her’. We understood what he meant. My mom, brother and SIL were there and we all took it quite okay.  We sorta suspected she will leave us soon on her last checkup 6 months ago, when Dr put ‘? Liver Ca (query liver cancer) after studying her x-ray films.

She is dealing with advance diseases, one in the liver and another in her brain. How on earth can they grow in her tiny body???

Phone calls were made to spread the news. Somehow, the more I repeat myself, the more out of controls my tears go. *Sigh* Such a mix feeling, a love-hate relationship with this old lady! *exhale*

I lay my eyes on the clock hanging on the wall, time is ticking, so is hers.

This is her last chapter of life.......

*to be continued*


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