Body Jam and Me

I had an accident on Sunday. We were practicing for Tuesday night relaunch of Body Jam 60. Without realizing I was running out of space on stage, I landed my right heel on the side of the wall, twisting my foot to one side. I heard a loud 'crack' and the pain hit in immediately! >.<" I quickly knelt down on my knee and thought 'OH NO ~! Can I still Jam on Tuesday???'

Yeah, I know it sounds silly to think about that when my foot is hurting but BJ 60 is EXTRAORDINARY release! It marks 15 years of Jamming world wide and 2 years of jamming for me in Level Up Fitness! :D

 Body Jam 53! :)

Body Jam 54! I love the effect!! :) 

 Body Jam 55 at the Spring Shopping Mall :)
 Body Jam 56  :)

 Body Jam 57! :)
 Body Jam 58! Turbulence in Paris!! *awesome pic* :)

Body Jam 59! 

These are the best time of my life!!!
I so wanted to jam!!! but the universe wants me to slow down and rest! I did feel disappointed and almost...I said almost...wanted to cry (too upset wah!) but I know I need to accept it and listen to my body. See, WHEN LIFE GIVE YOU LEMON, YOU MADE LEMONDADE OUT OF IT!

I am resting (and eating my Kelem a.k.a ice cream) at home but I won't allow any unexpected incident to paralyse my life.

No jamming for me for the next 1 week, but I will still be there to watch the relaunch of the magnificent BODY JAM 60: MAMBO and MOOMBATHON! 

I am so excited!!!! ^^ 


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