A day as a WV volunteer

I don't know if you have been to Sapa, Vietnam but ever since I travelled there. It make me wonder 'if every single child is an angel, how come the angels have different fate!

When our angels are playing with their 'toy car'........

There are other angels who grow up without it......

When our angles are thinking about which princess's clothes and heels to put on today.....

 There are angels who just hope their grow slower so their clothes can last them longer....

When our angels are addicted to ipads and iphones......

The only ipad they got is this....

When our angles childhood is filled with heaps of toys....
(seriously, kids now have heaps more toys than my era...!!)

There are angels who can only play with the mud....

When the world is crazy about Angry bird......

The only red bird my sponsor child, Mo,  knows is this.......
A chick in her village.

There is such a huge discrepancy between these kids.
Every child is precious, why do they deserve less than our kids? That is why, I spend my last weekend at Boulevard  being a World Vision Volunteer.

Gee....it has been a while since I last approach strangers and ask for support. How come last time seems easy, this time so hard one? As I was mentally preparing myself (not very sucessful), there is a girl from the bridal industry, stationed just next to the escalator (I stationed on side, she is on another side)

Funny thing was, I looked at her....she looked at me *WIFI*
'How to do this ahhh??? intimidating leh'
'thick skin a bit okay one lah!'
'har ?? now  blushing  + sweating liao boh'
' air con not cold enough ehhh.....just don't think too much... GA GA KI (= just do it!)

So I took her advice......through our brain waves......LOL....

I had a go.........(applause!!)....and people responded differently to the WV flyers.
Some are open to it and reading it on their way up the escalator, some politely rejected (which I am okay with) but what I really betahan are some aunties trying to put on the 'You Can't See Me' spell on me in front of their kids. You think I am blind meh??? You think you are transparent meh?
Such a bad role model!
If inner beauty is just a matter of getting a few of these....
then you need to buy a lot, aunty!!
But I know, every single flyers I handed out, is a seed of hope and it's going to sprout in the hands of good hearted people. My task is to reach out to as many people as I can and it will change another angel's life.

I was so touched when two kids looked at the World Vision videos and they popped some coins into the donation box. Regardless of the amount they have donated, what they did was so sincere. At such a young age, they understand the value of love and contribution! Kids like these are going to have a great future. They are true angels. What surprised me more is when I thanked them, they thanked me back!! I want kids like these in the future! :)

We have 6 children being sponsored that day. Not a lot but at least their life would have +ve transformation soon. :)
I have learnt a lot through volunteering. I was once again reminded about being in control of my thoughts, I am in charge of myself so never let anyone define my values and never accept their judgement. To do that I gotta be really clear of my intentions (why am I doing this?) in order for me to let go of my fear (judgements). And Ka KA Qi (Just DO IT!!!)  So proud of my breakthroughs!! See...this is what you get when you give unconditionally, you actually receive more breakthroughs/ joy/ life lessons!

If one day, you were put on a spell to choose between being a a) innocent angel waiting to be sponsored or b) a real angel that is sponsoring a child, what would you choose??
Do join me to be a child sponsor today! Afterall, Rm 50 can be saved easily when you cut down on KFC or McD!

Make your move! Just  click here:  http://www.worldvision.com.my/  ^^


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