Bali: Nusa Lembongan con't

*Continuing from Bali: Nusa Lembongan*

Feeling extremely exhausted after one day of adventure, we went back to Villa Cliff Lembongan straight after our dinner. My bed was calling me and I just doze off liddat.

*The next day*
:) One of my happiest time of the day! BREAKKIE!
 I had local Mee Goreng (Fried noodle) and Kenny had Nasi Goreng (Fried Rice)

Didn't expect the presentation for Fried Rice can be this good, it opened up my appetite.

^^ ^^ Breakfast checked! *happy dy* Okay, I am good to go! :)
Everytime I looked at this photo, I feel like playing the James Bond theme music and doing the gunbarrel!  hehehe...:P...Where am I? ....Oh ya, I was saying we met up with the rest of the team at Big Fish Diving (10-15 mins ride). Our plan today is snorkelling for me and diving for Kenny. :)
I was so so so EXCITED!!! My first time snorkelling leh! I don't really know what to expect except that I will be seeing a lot of fish. I was given 2 things: a) Mask, that cover my nose so I don't breath in any water into my lungs. With that, I was given b) a snorkeling tube that I have to wrap my lips around at the opening while the top part of the tube is surfacing above the sea. Basically, it's a tube that supply me air. Then, you have the optional fins/snorkel vest to put on. Last tip from my instructor 'Just wrap your lips around the tube, but don't bite it off, lunch will be provided' *LOL* There goes my 10 mins of tuition before heading off!

Just a quick photo of Us! ^^ ^^

I watched them geared up on the boat. As they are doing their safety check on the equipments to make sure everything is okay, I regretted for not talking up diving course earlier. *pout* Now can only watch them dive. Somemore, I am snorkeling ALONE! My FIRST TIME SNORKELING and I am ALONE!! (feeling disastrous)

Our boat stopped at Crystal bay, which is located between Nusa Ceningan and Nusa Penida. Everyone is ready, one by one, they went into the sea on their back ( I suppose the tank is too heavy). And they started their diving journey on the hunt for Mola Mola (ocean sunfish).

As they disappeared into the water, I felt the quietness on the boat, only 2 of us left, Captain and me. Okay loh, I snorkel myself. No big deal.

I have the suit on on my upper half of my body but not my LEGS and it's freezing cold in the big pool. As soon as I got in, I want to come out liao. :( But then, if i go up now, I sitll have to wait for them to come back, so might as well snorkelled as much as I can right?

I stuck my head under the water. WAHhhhhh~ ! It's so clear, the visibility at Crystal bay as it's name suggest is amazing! I can see fishes and corals at least 10m below. Suddenly, I felt like Nemo. In this big pool, I am just so tiny.

I think I was in for 5 mins only and I got exhausted very quickly, I had no life vest on and I can't rest my feet on the ground (10 m!!), I felt the water/waves are pulling me away from the boat! *HELP ~ !!!* I got panicked! Breathing faster than normal, I swim as hard as I can with my remaining strength. I kept telling myself: I am Nemo the fish,  I can swim, I am a fish, I can do it!!!

That works! It just took my mind off long enough for me to calm myself and get back onto the boat. Right after I came out from the sea, I threw up ~! Just couldn't hold it anymore! I saw my Mee Goreng floating on top of the water and fish got attracted to it. Hmmm..,why do they love human food so much?? ....*No idea*

Everything is spoilt when you are having seasick and purking endlessly. In the end, I cleared up everything in my stomach and was throwing up my gastric juice! I need fresh air, I need to land my feet on the groud, I want to go back!!!
I did came back. After at least another 3 hours of waiting that is =.="
Photo of a Dead fish!

So, should I still go for diving course? I wonder.
*Photo taken few hours later*
Recovered finally. :) We checked out from Villa Cliff Lembongan and gonna taking a boat back to Bali. WHATTT? BOAT AGAIN?? .....Nevermind, I have my *K*ing *K*oil Pillow with me (Phew~)
My *K*ing *K*oil pillow is so comfy! :) hehehehe...
Next up: Padangbai
*to be continued*


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