The girl promoter

My mom and I went shopping in one of our local shopping complex few days ago and I was searching high and low for a handbag to replace my torn bag....

I like bags with simple design, light and have lots of compartments...and I did found one....

Me: how much is this?
Girl: It's RM 200 ++...
Me: har?
Girl: *repeat* It's Rm 200 ++
Me: WHAT??!!! Rm 200 ++
Girl: it's from Korea...
Me: * can a brandless bag be RM 200++....*.........*Total Shock!*

Then the girl start to introduce their bag to a wrong way.....!!!

Girl: bags on this shelf starts at RM 200++...that shelf RM 300++

I lost my interest on the bags as soon as she said that to me *putting bag back to shelf and wave bye bye ~*.......I seriously think it's overpriced and not worth it! I asked...

Me: Has anyone bought any bags from you?
Girl: *trying to impress*...YES!!...the most expensive one I have ever sold is Rm 700++.....

Friendly currency converter counter :)
RM 700 = about AUD 220
             = about SGD 290
             = about CNY 1,400
             = 1/3 salary of a Malaysian fresh grad

Now, seriously, if what she said is true...there are only 4 possibilities:
Last time, my dad went China and mistakenly tipped a bell boy CNY 100 thinking it's CNY 10. so I am guessing....whoever that bought the pricey bag....
Possibility # 1: is a traveller + is confused with our currency.
Possibility # 2: misread the price tag....but still buy it anyway.....*to keep 'face' mah*..
Possibility # 3: is a 'tai tai' (太太)....with super rich husband....
Possibility # 4: an angry wife revenging on husband by swipping his credit card endlessly.


Being challenged like that...I asked

Me: Did the customer ever return to you for more?
Girl: Ya...we do have regulars coming back.....they know our quality....
Me: *Rule out possibility # 1 and # 2.....................but then hor....I was thinking, if the so called 'regular' return every 2 years, that doesn't count as regulars leh.............OR.............. if they report themself every month for more bags...then there is something wrong with the bags right...??? something about what she said doesn't make sense!*

Whoever that keeps coming back for the overprice bag must fit into either possibility # 3 or 4. If I was her, with the RM 700 in hand, can fly myself to KL to get a variety of Korean bags...maybe got 'baki' kok!.......

I left that shop and good things happened to me the next day...YAY~ ~! :)

at least there is a brand...*haha*
Adjustable shoulder strap
+ 2 side zip pockets
+ 3 interior zip pockets
+ 2 interior pockets
+ simple designs
+ light

and most of all...
It suit my style......Casual....

Now who says you can't get good quality bag within your budget?

ANSWER: *look at the entry title* .....

hehehehe :P


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