Vietnam: Beautiful Sapa (Part 2)

Hi Bloggie...!! Mommy is so tired right now...
I want to soak my eyes in Eyemo liao ~ ~...
Aiyo ~...If the terraced paddy field can appear in front of me right now...
that is lagi Best!!....
But in front of Mommy now is an empty after 5 office leh....

Bloggie ahh...Mommy just remembered I told you my Vietnam Story half way....
are you ready for Part 2 of it??
Here we go ~ ~!!
The story continues with...
.hours and hours of trekking.... =.=
faster heart rate.... :(
dirtier shoes... :((
a few slipped and tripped... :(((
a few helping hands from the Hmong girls.... :)
and lots of photos... :D * Yay~!*

So pretty right???
Doesn't that makes you wanna zoom into the photos and jump into in??
hehe...sorry lah~!! Get yourself tickets to Sapa...
then you will know the 30 seconds of pleasure from looking at them
... actually came from hours of Mommy's blood and sweat!!

It's definitely worth the visit....!!
I found a great ambassador!!
See ~!!
Even the dog is so relax here......imagine how it's gonna blow you mind away??....
It's a 'Must Go' before you die...

There was so much to see when you look up...

and so many little things that you'd find when you look down

Mommy even saw a few rhinos...
and that was when your Aunty Wyndie looked at me in amazement and said
' It's a water buffulo LAH~ ~... =.="""'
I KNEW IT!!...It just came out wrong!

Your Aunty Wyndie was so funny...
She said ' I am afraid of the water buffalo leh...they are staring at me!!'

' see what you wear....
Of course the water buffalo look at you lah....'
lol....I think the water buffalo was stressed out thinking its gonna die the next minute..!!

We feasted on heaps of food....our stomach were fully occupied
see all these yummy food??

They wer coming from the traditional wood fire operating kitchen...!!
To me that was a big WOW!!...
The simplest kitchen you could find 20 - 30 years ago...
is actually in front of my eyes...
How amazing is that??
I was so appreciative of the meals that was served.....
everyone from around the world was having a good time!!...

Especially when this was being served...
it's called 'Happy water'...

According to Dong, our tour guide...
 'Drink happy happy....good sleep..!!'

I sure Did!!...
Who wouldn't after taking rice wine??

*The next day*
I was the last among my group to wake up...
I predicted my group went to the river to snap photos and I had my guess confirmed when they came back...
so between that time...
I helped Dong in the kitchen with....
making crepes!!...
I really salute her for having heat resistance fingers...
she used a metal spoon to uncoat the crepe from the pan...and flipped the crepe over with her fingers...
I tried it a few times...
it was so hot that I failed doing that...
and I end up with burnt crepe...
darker than me.. =.=
Sorry guys...~ !
With our energy fully recharged...we were so ready to move on...
this time we trekked for about 2 hours or so before we reached our last stop for lunch......

Speaking of Lunch....Mommy is hungry too...
Time for dinner...
To be continued k?
lots of kisses...
you guai guai ahh...
Mommy loves you!


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