Kids in Sapa Vietnam

During my last day in Sapa, I saw a little boy about the age of 6 carrying a younger child behind his back.
It was late at night, but he was still trying to earn some money...
It makes me wonder....
How would my life be...
if I was born there...??
At this age,  I'd probably...
a mom of 10 !! o.O"

Wahh ~!! How to survive O??
but seriously, among all the Hmong girls that I have came across,
I couldn't tell who were the mothers and who were the daughters...
they seem to have very little age gap.

As I explore more about Sapa, I realised that on top of 'adventure'...
Poverty comes into the picture too...

Seeing kids running around the village...
 spreading their laughter seems to be nice... first
then you ask yourself...
 'Hey..wait a minute..Shouldn't they be in school at this time???'
and when you look closer...
You'll find that they were wearing the same slippers....
their clothes were old and dirty and probably had been worn for few days...

Riding on water buffalo is fun to me...but it's a norm for them + bare-footedly...

They play with almost anything they can find....
Even the mud!

I just couldn't imagine myself going through this as a child.
At such a young age...
she is out there selling her craft to tourists...

Seeing their childhood....

and their childhood...


It's such a Contrast .....
that I really wonder....
How is their future like....
if this remains an unbreakable cycle???


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