Vietnam: Beautiful Sapa (Part 1) a beautiful place....!!
Its natural landscapes.... are beyond breathtaking....
even when I am writing...images of the unique landscapes are flashing through my head
and the only way to describe it.....
is to SEE IT yourself!


My journey to Sapa began with 3 things:
1) our gang ....(ehhh...where is our group photo??)

2) our train tickets x 5

and 3) moonlight

...Just sleep in the train and wake up the next morning arriving in Lao Cai.

We had the staff from Sapa Summit Hotel to pick us up and this was when I learnt my first lesson: 
Anything is Possible in Vietnam!

He had us all packed into his travel van.
Imagine 25-30 sardines in one can!
WAAAA~ ~ ~!!
The best part was...our luggages were not in yet!!!!
"WAAAAA ~ ~ ~...How Oh...liddat???"
* I heard you...* I was wondering too...

The next minute...
the door was closed and someone outside passed him our luggages through the window just next to me...
Na...geng mou??
They are all stacked up like Uno...except that...when they fall...I am doomed!

About 1.5 hours later, we arrived Sapa.

This time... the man climbed through the window to get in and reversed everything I said above...
Luggage scrubbed on my arms x 25-30 + I remembered one on my face!
*sigh* + =.="
but that was nothing compared to the hardcore selling skills the Hmong girls have... =.="""""
The moment the window was slide openned...I felt like I was in Nemo Film...
remember the "Mine! Mine! Mine! Mine!" Nemo???
Geeee ~ I am their FOOD!

They would approach you...
Hmong: What is your name?
Me: Ming!
Hmong: How old are you?
Me: 26.
*Never fail.*

Tip # 1: Just DON'T BUY ANYTHING from them  YET unless you want to go back home broke.

Soon after we checked in...My trekking adventures started.... :)

 The Happy me at 0 hour.

we walked through the crops...

beneath the barriers....

 across the streams...

away from the Poo-Poo Bombs

over the mountains...

over the rocks...

and across the bridge...

Don't jump, Boy!

Tip # 2: Bring only necessary stuff like water ++, sunblock, hats...which I didn't (Lesson learnt)
The sun sucked up water from me...I was thirsty like a camel.
The smell of my sweat stainned my clothes...
My shoes were  covered with mud...
My skin was red and hot...

Only my eyes are happy....
what I saw was just incredible.......
and it's coming up next

*to be continued*


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