Hong Kong: HK Disneyland (Part 1)

TO ~ ~
Hong Kong Disneyland!!!
It's heaven for kids and big kids like me!

Everywhere you go....you get to see Mickey and Minnie....

The balloons...
*not going to tell you how much*

a minnie cap...

Minnie lollies
*too cute to eat lahhh...!!*

aiseh....Mickey shirt...

kid's Minnie sunglasses
*phewww...luckily I didn't break it...it's so tight on me*...

but no need sunglasses leh....it's raining outside..
ok lah...raining...but STILL HAPPY!


The first show I watched was...
Flights of Fantasy!!

which replaced Disney on Parade in celebration of the 5th anniversary of HK Disneyland!

Mickey, Minnie, Donald and Goofy....and a # 5 flag!!

I was extremely excited when the parade starts....
but like 5 minutes later...
I just wish I could fast forward it.....

It's sooo HOTT!!!...
seriously hot!!....
I think if I stand close enough...I can see the 'green' sweet from the soldiers...

I was told by the locals that it was the hottest day in the recent months....
so we change our plans just to cool ourself a bit...

Indoor activities first!!

First stop...one of my favourite:
It's a small small world!!

You get to share a boat with others...and travel around the world.......:)
As I was enjoying my ride and excited about the deco along the man made river...
I wasn't aware...I was signing up for a Geography test too...

Him: where is this???
Me: harrrrrrrr???.....
Him: clues: look at the buildings and designs....
My brain: wind-mills and tulips....where is that ahh??
Me: *doubtfully*.....Holland??
Him: Correct!!!

Him: Where is this?
Me:....harrr?? *I wanted to say Zoo ~!! but that is not a country*
Me: errmmm....Wait...I googleeeeee...!!
Him: Cannot!!
*I think that is what I said*

Him: Where is this?
Me:....errm...somewhere on the earth..........that has desert???
*and I forgot what he said this was...
what is the answer to this??*

Him: Where is this??
*I  think I am right! *

Him: Where is this??
Me: INDIA!!!....
*hehe...I am so sure...because I saw lots of them in HK Disneyland...must be holidays in India*

Him: Where is this??
Him: *covering his eys with his palm = which means...I can't believe it*
He continued: we just went there yesterday...!!
Me: *look again*....OHHH....HONG KONG!!!
*feeling guilty*

My Geography exam...FAIL!!

I don't know how I pass my Geography in high school...

*to be continued*


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