Cute Question :)

小瓜瓜:小姑姑 ~ ! 什么东西' kok' 'kok' 两下就死掉了??
The kids: Aunty!!.....What would die if you bang it twice *with the sound effect ' Kok' ‘Kok'* ??

小姑姑:ermm......我也不知道耶 ~!!
The Aunt: ermm.......I don't know wor ~!!

小瓜瓜:ne ~....Kok Kok...'die' lo!! ......

小姑姑:....HAHAHAHAH...哦~ 原来是 CROCODILE!! ......* I am pretty sure you can understand this without me translating right??*

HAHAHAHAHA~ ~!!!...that was me and my little nieces..... :D nowadays....CUTE LA!! :)

p/s: will write about my part 2 of Bangkok trip once I recovered......AHKCHEEE x N times already today!!


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