Bangkok: Be like A Thai (Part 1)

Last Novermber, I went Bangkok with 3 girls and we fall in love with this place. 3 months later, I returned to Bangkok to earn new experience; this time, I find Bangkok EVEN more ATTRACTIVE! :)

Theme: Be like a Thai ;)
Duration: 6 days 5 nights ( at Lub.d and Baiyoke Boutique Hotel)
With: Baba
Where to: Muai Thai - MBK - The Platinum Mall - Calypso Cabaret (Asia Hotel) - The Grand Palace - the Emerald Buddha - Chaktuchak market - Lebua sky bar - Les Mills workshop - Chinatown - Foot reflexology - Pratunam Market.

I went to Bangkok a day earlier AGAIN. Lucky me, once I reached National stadium (via train), I got free Muai Thai show to watch.

Did you see that??? TIP # 11: Every Wednesday at 6 p.m. Thai Boxing @ MBK :) ...somemore...FOC= Free Of Charge....I am always happy to see the 'FREE' word...haha...Otherwise, can go to Lumpini or Ratchadamnoen Boxing Stadium. But that, you have to $$.

I wished I could stay longer to watch the fight but my tummy is making a whole lot of noise....hungry lah...~!!! so once I checked into Lub.d, I sat along the roadside and started to eat the street food...

EEEEeeeeee ~!!! No helmet, No boots, No gloves worn to prepare my dinner......somemore my dinner is 'poisoned' by the gas exhaust from the bus....but seeing the Thai next to me acted like it's NO BIG DEAL...I took the risk. 

hehe...all diarrhea. :)

See. Same spot. But it transformed into a coffee stall the next morning....How interesting....Whee~!!...she is making my kick start my day while waiting for Baba to check in!! :)

THURSDAY is all about SHOPPING, trying out LOCAL SNACKS and WO'MEN'!!

Well, speaking of's disappointing this time that most of the dealers....refused bargaining....leaving me with less money to shop!! HOW??...a piece of top for 300 baht (around RM 30) really put my shopping appetite away!!....some only willing to offer really cheap price if I took more than 10. Cannot la~!! think I have the skills to print Thai Baht meh??? :( ....TIP # 12: choose the old Platinum Mall/ Pratunum Market over the new Platinum Mall over MBK/ Chaktuchak over Siam Paragon/discovery (high end)...for shopping.

This time I tried quite a few of the local snacks!

the only local snacks that I didn't try were these:

I did think of trying....I had this illusion that once I popped that into my mouth, I would have GPS connection with the cockroaches and could visualize which dark smelly drains or juicy bins they had traveled before being fried alive!!! -_-"....


At night...... 
Don't be too happy....
It's FAKE!
Asia Hotel's all about wo'men'....showing off their figures and that artificial feminine look of theirs...yet they are SOOO CONFIDENT....I really salute them!! They own the stage and most of all....they make me feel like they are FEMALEs....and I am the Male???....* that why my Thai name is Malee (pronounce as 'Mak Lee' = Jasmine)???*

okay okay, enough of that! TIP #13: buy the Calypso ticket online: 850 baht/ adult or 1200 baht/ adult if you buy it on the spot. Good thing that we bought the package that comes with dinner, cost us 1450 baht (online) and this is what we were fed.

LOTS OF MEAT!!...I love the Salmon!! *luckily no duck~!... that is my friend...*

TIP # 14: catch BTS to Rachathewi (Asia Hotel is right opposite) or if more than 2, taxi could be cheaper...
then you can find one of the girls here...

Baba is very tall ...about 173cm??...but that ladyboy is GIGANTIC!!...
Being a 160, if I stand next to the ladyboy...I sure have good view one...
but don't's too much for my eyes to handle..
...I saw nipples saying 'HI' to all of us...during the show..
AIYA~...forgot to pack EyeMo along..~!! =.="

*to be continued*


  1. Wow.. so you just came back from Bangkok?

    I have been to Phuket and HatYai.. but not Bangkok.. sad huh..

    Looks like you girls really had fun.. *envy*

  2.'s fun when you have interesting person travelling together....make BKK your next trip lo...i haven't been to Phuket and Hatyai le...:)...


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