My Valentine's date (Part 2)

...I tell you ah, this year's Valentine's day, I was hoping to sell roses :).....because I think it would be something magical for me to witness how the roses lit up a girl's face when she received them from someone she sweet right??.........and you know the colour and number of roses have their meaning to it.....???... *please ask my god: for more information*

1 rose - you are the one
2 roses- deeply in love with one another.
3 roses - I love you
6 roses - I wanna be yours
7 roses - I am infatuated with you
9 roses - Eternal love
10 roses - 10/10, you are perfect
11 roses (my favourite number) - the one I love most in my life
12 roses - be my steady
there are a lot more....but here are some useful one....
13 roses - secret admirer
101 roses - you are my one and only love
108 roses - please marry me!
365 roses - can't stop thinking about you each and everyday
999 roses - Everlasting and eternal love

Well...if you are wondering why I bold them and keep the text colour black....that is because if I were a guy...I don't think it's practical to send more than 12 roses looks like a bush already....see for yourself

24 roses - I can't stop thinking about you 24 hours everyday! .
..(yaya.....because my wallet got big whole now after sending you the roses ~ !!)
and don't say I didn't warn you ah....don't get overly happy if your guy do send you more than 12 roses....because it's highly likely that it's a loan from the next few years..... *based on true stories*

but too bad didi's friends have enough people I end up makan with a group of friends along waterfront.

haha....but good too.....that is how we had this COOL IDEA !! hehehe......We were thinking to set up a service during Chap Goh Meh (Chinese Valentine's day)......we provide the mandarins for the SINGLE ladies....and Pens for rent.....all they need to do is write their name/ phone number/ facebook/ email or even address if they like and throw it into the river.......

Then we rent nets for the guys to 'tangkap' the mandarins.....we can even provide sampan service if it's too far away to reach ......*extra charge if we paddle you there* ...........WA~ ~ ....hohoho.....never know we are such business minded......简直就是天衣无缝 = perfect plan!!.......

With such a wonderful services....still
I didn't make a single cent during Chap Goh Meh.....
.....I was distracted with what my SIL brought home......

Too bad the durian doesn't float....otherwise...can buka another stall to sell Durian..~ !! hehehehe

* to be continued*


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