My valentine's date (Part 1)

I have never celebrated Valentine's day.....because my last relationship was too short to survive till then.......but that is okay.......I celebrated it this year....

Got a rose...:)

and the sparks....

and the ....
did you see what I see in that photo??

aiyo...a bit gelik le....
nola...I am pretty sure they are STRAIGHT....:P
until proven wrong....wahahahaha....~ ~

so here is all of us....
having dinner at Waterfront.........
*also pricey...can buy another few roses lo~!!*

hehe...never have I expected that I would be celebrating Valentine's day with this combination of
and we ate and talked so much that my car turned into a ..........
'pumpkin'..... -_-" time eat ealier le....I got curfew boh ~ !!

*to be continued*


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