A review of my 2010

Happy 2011 Bloggie ~!! :) ....YEAY~!! Just completed my first Body Jam class at the Spring with Nana and Fofo... :)....my cute Papa was there too....hiding somewhere and watching me performed from a distance....* happy* .....

haha....What a start for 2011!.....and man!! 2010 was an awesome year.....I flipped through my diary and summarised what happened in my life in the last 365 days......

*diary empty....I also don't know why...*

Joining Level Up Fitness (LUF)
Turning 25

Body Jam (BJ) Audition at LUF

BJ instructor training in KL
The fire event

My precious family trip to Bali
Working for 1 year
Finally have a Dietitian partner to work with :)

* I don't know what happened this month....my diary is empty again ~*

Official launch of Body Jam 53 at LUF
My very first Rainforest Music World Festival (RMWF)
Starting to record my life through blog

Back to Kuching for 2 years

Trip to Taiwan
Lauching of BJ 54

First body jam demo at the Spring *nervous*
Given the challenge to fix the Kitchen operation

Working for 1 and a half year
Trip to Bangkok
First solo jam class

Second BJ demo at the Spring

Looking at that I really feel that If Ming in 2009 met the Ming in 2010....she would have FREAKED OUT because Ming had so many BREAKTHROUGHS in 2010.

I have grown so much in 2010. Thanks to Core Value (CV)....now I am living with awareness.....and it's only when you live with AWARENESS....you start to view things differently....start to APPRECIATE even the smallest thing in your life.....and ABUNDANCE follow behind....and you feel HAPPY! :)

2010 was the year I learnt about LIFE! Working in ICU ...witnessing life and death and people suffering.....made me realised how precious our life is....WE ONLY LIVE ONCE.....WHAT ARE YOU GOING TO DO WITH YOU ONLY ONE AND WILD LIFE??.....and DO IT....WHY WAIT??....that was the biggest lesson I learnt at my workplace.....
That was me snapping a photo of my happy moment at my workplace
2010 was the year I learnt to connect deeper to my FAMILY. I enjoyed my time eating breakfast with my sis and shared about our days......I enjoyed spending time with my little pistachios...hanging around them and playing with them ..... I feel happy. I enjoyed my moments when I shared my thoughts with my SIL and hugged my brothers telling him that ' Today is his best day'....and definitely not to missed my time with Papa and Mama...be small kid again in front of them...saying silly stuff to make them laugh....awww...I love you all :).

That was me, my SIL and my little pictachios... :) during our BALI trip
2010 was the year that I allow myself to have FUN! ....The image I portrayed in the last 24 years of my life was '乖乖女' = the good girl brand.......being the youngest in the family....99% of the time...I follow instructions....there are so many things in life that I was not given the opportunity to try..... out of my family's good intention that they are protecting me.......haha...I never know that I am playful....but I sure am one....just look at me doing Jam....I am totally a different person when I 'let go' during that one hour...and be whoever I want to be...may it be Beyonce or Shakira.....just bring it on, sugar!..hehe

Demo at the Spring with Nana and FoFo

2010 was the year that I got addicted to TRAVELLING. ....I am so curious about this world....What is out there?....How big is this place....If this world is like a storybook....and every single country represents a page in this book...I want to read it all up before I die.......I have grown so much from my travelling...because it just proved to me that what I thought was not possible...was actually blinded by my perception and own experience......travelling is definitely an EYE OPENER :)...it shaped my thinking....

Haha...see how happy I am...helping a new friend to pick her shoes...:P
2010 was the year that I get to know myself better. ....It was this year that I wonder why I spend 24 hours with myself but I never had my own time connecting or doing the things I like......that is why I have the  'ME TIME'....awww...really enjoy my time sitting in cafes and sipping coffee bot nibbling on cakes.... :)....

That is how much I have grown in 2010......more to grow in 2011.....that is certain.... wait till I have my 'To achieve list for 2011' ....I will put it up....hehehe........~


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