Ming's 2011 to do list

The other day...I was talking to FoFo and Didi..and we were talking about our 2011 resolutions....well...it's not a must to do it...but I reckon it's good to set goals beginning of the year and monitor my growth at the end of the year....so I categorised them in to breakthroughs....relationships....travel...and anything that doesn't fit the 3 goes under 'others'....

Well...in no particular orders...here it is :).....Ming's 2011 to do list:

1) Change my career
Have grown so much at this current workplace...with the things I see...with how people manages/communicates with people.....it's a good place to grow...but not an ideal place to build my dreams....so it's time to move on.... after Chinese New Year ...that shall be the time to hand that letter in.....and venture into the Coffee Business.... :)

2) Buy myself a BIKINI....and WEAR it!!
*SHY*.....that to me....is a very courageous thing to do.....it's like asking a snail to hang its shell somewhere....I feel weird....and insecure.....'What if I jump into the sea and my bikini float elsewhere??.....What if I did not tie my bikini well and it falls off ????...don't ask me to tape it ehh?!!....but then....If I don't do it now when I am still young.....I don't think I will have the courage to do it when I am in my 50's....so I want to do it this year...!! a breakthrough for me...!! :)

3) Get an extreme make over...
I wonder.......what sorta flavours do I have ...other than the usual 'sweetness' and 'cuteness' that I was being labelled??....maybe wildness or elegant??....I don't know how to achieve that yet...but I want to try something out of my comfort zone.....ehh...maybe can do that during Halloween hor...??... ^^"

4) To get into a relationship and start to love again...
Men are for us, ladies, to LOVE.....and for them to SAYANG us and I couldn't agree more with what Didi told me about what she read: Men are for women to understand themselves....*thumbs up....but after this I think my stock will fall rapidly -_-"....*.......we evolved into another species when we are in a relationship.....like me in my last relationship...when I am soaked in this thing call 'LOVE' .........arhh...I started to cook and let him be my guinea pig......It's like 'how well you 'feed' your bf is how much you love him' kinda concept......*sigh* seeing my guy highschool classmates with big tummies I reckon is our fault la girls.......gee.....Yuki...maybe one day when you get your Yoku...you will sacrifice your favourite sunflower seeds for him too huh???
My niece little hamster...Yuki

5) Watch sunset and sunrise with someone I love
The only experience I had was watching sunset with my Homestay mother during my first year of study in Adelaide.......but few days after that we had a fight.....and I moved out * a very long story...you really need luck if you decide to homestay.....maybe next time I will put the story up....* ....well that memory can't be erase....but there is no way that I am going to hate it just because of her....so hopefully I can filled that up with more magical moments this year....Never watch sunrise before....!! *excited !!*

6) To spend more time with papa, mama and Ah ma
As I grow up....the more I notice how my parents' hair changes it colour....greyish white it is.....accompaning with it .....the lines of worries....happiness....age....on their faces.....I love my parents...so much...that I behave like a kid in front of them.......so I know how much they love me since I was born....and making them happy so they forget that as I grow...they too... grow with me ~......

Ah ma is my room mate...had been quiet patient with her in 2010....trying my best not to get annoyed when she asked me the same question over and over again....2010....I learn to laugh it off....why take it seriously when one day I could be like that too.....our routine is different...I am still asleep when she has her morning walk...and when I am doing exercise at night...she already went to bed....so in 2011....I want to spend more time with her...

7) To dive to the underwater world
I remember Didi once shared about what she read somewhere that says: .....70% of this world is covered by water....so it you want to stay on the ground...enjoy that remaining 30% .... Wow!!....I love what I hear ~!!...since 2010 I have just started to explore that 30%....and I am ready to go beyond that......I will soon get a diving class and I am going to dive in Bali....wearing my bikini....*woo..woo...that fits in perfectly*......hehe...

8) To visit 3 different countries
The interesting part about the 30% of this world is that....it changes...may it be the buildings or food or the people........just want to dip myself in...and explore..!!....3 countries a year is just nice....see... every 4 months when I have enough travel fund....I get to travel...~.... :)...and speaking of that....I want to travel to Bkk again and have dinner at sky bar....I wonder how it feels having dinner and enjoying the view at the top of the building hor??.....

9) Registration for organ and bone marrow donor
Sometime when I look into the mirror....there is always something that I don't like about myself....but when I think about what I own is actually what my parents gave me.....I start to love them again! ^^.....I exist because of their love...and if I can extend my love to others who needs it...I will...~! because they too have their loved ones... :)

10) To get video certification on Body Jam
3/1/11, Body Jam is half a year old now in LUF...which means...I have been dancing for 1/2 a year... :)....another step forward is to stabilise my solo class...and go for certification....I have this whole year to achieve it...but I think I want to join the quarterly training before certification. Wish me luck on this!...

11) Get an iPhone (no need to write more on this right? who doesn't want it??)
12) To have a sister only trip
This idea actually came out from my Bkk trip last year when I had a girl group traveling together....I was thinking why can't I do this with my sisters? .....I think it'll be fun and definitely will be one of the meaningful moments for us to connect and do our sister talk....hehe....! :)
Wow!! Just realised that I have 12 things on the list....chun chun...one month can aim for one goal....! haha...these are my list....once achieved...shall cross it off and put a new goal in....:)

What is your 2011 to do list, Bloggie??


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