Messy MEh???? part 1

Whatever you are doing right now......words of advice from me....don't drink...or eat....until you finish reading this.....


I was in the ward...documenting in a casenote.....and A...was standing few feet away from me.....

A: .... hey you have extra Tudung??
B: ...*blank look*....what??!!!................WHY~!!!
A: .....I thought if you have one...can give it to MING ~....................................her hair is MESSY!!!.....
Me: ......=.="....................okay~ okay~....wait for one more day....I am heading to the salon tomorrow ~!! *as planned*........but in my heart...I was O.S-ing: ....VERY MESSY MEH????..........COPE WITH IT LA YOU!!

My sis said...I looked like I have just finished doing exercise......
I forgot to ask her...which level is she referring to??

FYI....this is how I look like before exercise.....

I can look like this...after exercise.....
my tied up hair are all untied.....and messy.....
this is level 1!!

Now...level 2.....only happens if I do back to back class....
my sweats are pouring...!!!
like this...

see all those sweat???....


Na...see for yourself  *photographer: my sis*
Right side view....*see my baby hair??*

Left side view.....

Okay la...maybe this one needs a bit of a combing....

But from the's totall fine le...!!!

Messy meh??????
It's so Natural le!!!
* I told my sis*

 she rolled her eyes........
and lean to the right
and faint!!!
 *no la...pretend only* funny sis!!!

Okay...can't wait to change my hairstyle...
I want it shorter this time....
Be adventurous....and try something new!!!

I shall show you my new hairstyle later....
ngek ngek ngek....!!


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