How big are the chances???

The inspiration of this entry is coming from my colleague............ when she shared about her friend is going to get married...and in her religion, people can get married even though they barely know each other.................their main guidance for choosing a good husband is how well he practices the they strongly believe that if he is holy....he will be following the teaching of how to become a good person (and good husband, I suppose) and hence...he is THE ONE!! 

and I went:


So I shared my thoughts on the topic of L.O.V.E ~
you see ahh....
According to's predicted that our population will grow to 7 billion
*Well, did you just asked how many zeros behind??? let me check...
..9 zeros....*

Among these 7 billion people...I know only ....say a generous number 600 friends
 (according to my facebook + another 30% to it) 

600 friends
- lady friends
 300 guy friends (Left)
- the married/attached (a lot of them fits here le...)
100 guy friends (Left)
- those not living in kuching
50 guy friends (left)
- those much younger/older than me
25 guy friends (left)
- those that are non-chinese
12 guy friends (left)...
-Those that smoke/ gamble/ overdrink....O~U~T!!
I am left with 6 potential ones...
*then I take out my criteria list......*
He must be loving ~
He must be mature ~ *mayday...mayday..a few can fail here already*
at the same time, with sense of humour ~
He can uplift/support me ~
Must love me ~
and the chemistry too~
*Then I put my criteria list aside.....and start to think....*
 this is very slim eh???....
As slim as....

No...No...not the beaver....I am refering to what he is holding...
Slim right???
How AMAZING it is to meet someone you love that also loves you....!! :)
....never mind...
Slim nia mah...still got chance one...~.... :)
the beaver stole it from me~!!
behave ahh~ little beaver....


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