My brother :)

Hi Bloggie~!!

I have something happy to share with you :).Just minutes ago....kor kor (= my brother) gave me a letter :)......nicely folded and with 'BiBi' writen on it....that is name STRICTLY just for my family :)

I am the youngest at home....and I am 8 years apart from my brother. Added on with the differences of our up bringing....The only memory I have of my brother....was him playing rough with me....and broke my toe nail......-_-....kor...not a good memory to keep in my head forever lah~!

Then, when I was in Kuching...he was studying overseas...;when I was studying overseas...he was back to kuching....then when I am finally back in kuching....He is married...and I am promoted to 'aunty' already.... :P

There is the lack of chance for me to know him more...our converstion had always been shallow....'eaten or not?...what are you up to?'....'kor, not enought $$ liao...can you please send for me??'.....even though deep inside...we know we care and love each other...

It's after Core Value (CV) that I get to know kor kor more.....and I feel that I am truely blessed with a loving family..... :)...with great siblings to support me and for me to learn from....:)...I am that lucky girl~!


You are a wise have the courage that keeps the company growing... and the love/connection that make people feel their efforts are appreciated....:) ..........I always believe that this is the gift from Mom and Dad....their personalities in you...are a perfect recipe for a good leader.

The day all our staff worn the apple green company Tee in the re-opening ceremony, I know it had marked another milestone of your career. If the fire didn't bring us down, I am sure you can survive the next your 'intended' ways....Just follow the OMEN..! how dad always says 'We have his genes....we will overcome it! '... ( with the clenching how dad does it..:)   )

Kor, you said that I am your 10 point girl.....but you are one of them who show me how to get there....try zooming out a little....then you shall see the balance point in your life again. that is where the 'TEN' is... :)

Want you to know that I am very very PROUD of you and.... I love you too! :)



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