The translator

That young man....from a foreign country in his early 20s'....after a fall from the bicycle....he is now lying on the bed....with his mother by his side...guarding him....just like any mom would do to protect her baby......with a tube through his nose....and the surgery stiches (which really looked like 'stapler')  on this head......the mother gently wiped his face........I see her love towards her son....but when will he be awake again??? is another question that has yet to be answered.......


29th November 2010....'D' wanted me to do translation for him in Mandarin to the young man's parents. .......I told myself  'Okay Ming...remember...Just be a adding or missing info...GO NOW~!'....

My first round of translating between 'D' and the mom was smooth...we got her questions answered...and we got our info we want from her....however...I was being asked to get back to the ward again during lunch time..for ANOTHER the Dad this time....and that was really confronting......


I translated every single messages that 'D' wanted him to know....
and the dad asked this back: What is his improvement since his treatment here, Doctor?...
That was a tough question.....
'D' shooked his head and said: No improvement!
I was shocked with that replied ......!!!: Are you sure you want me to translate like that?....thinking that this news would shattered the father's heart...
With a firm look...'D' answered me back: Yes...he needs to know this....the is no improvement.......for me long it's not's good.
It's so heart breaking when the dad told me...: I felt that he is more responsive now.......he is improving....and the primary doctor does not agree with him...I saw the hope and beliefs that the dad held when he said that to me.....
We are talking about brain injuries...severe brain injury,Ming said my boss...this is his WISHFUL thinking....
.............Hard and Tough.........I DIDN'T TRANSLATE THAT..............................


I work in a Private hospital......which can be very $$ when it comes to medical bills......I know they are struggling financially.......Insurance quota are out.....but the son needs treatments.....and one of it is nutrition therapy......that is where I come in...I put him on enteral products....but that cost $$$ too....Can they COPE??..........I felt bad~.....but that is the best for him....

.....he is SO YOUNG~....and ....I know his parents WOULD DO ANYTHING....for him....I sincerely hope that LOVE...would get them through the difficult time.....Let's wish them all the best.......


To my young teacher,

Your family have taught me the true meaning of FAMILY....that will always be by our side...SUPPORTING  us...LOVING us....FORGIVING us....and that NEVER GIVE US UP no matter what the circumstances are .......they love you....I see it.....You feel it............

Get well soon..okay?....



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