Mini cuti-cuti Kuching

WELCOME~ to the Land of Borneo!!

Traditional bracelet - RM 2.90
Borneo key chain *forgot the check the price* - Estimate < RM 3.00
Hand - NOT FOR SALE!! DISPLAY only......and it belongs to me...hehe...

As you know, my name is Ming; Born in Kuching...although people think that I was born in China (because of my look??) or taiwan (because of my accent)...


This is Borneo island; the one looking like a dog is Sabah, and the one looking like a witch's shoe is Sarawak and at the tip, lies Kuching. I have been living on this piece of big land for >20 years...

On 10/10/10 that everyone was so excited about (excluding me!!), my friend from Penang decided to spend her weekend I am honour to be the tour guide for that evening.

I brought her to Riverbank, which is one of the tourist attraction. Gee...the last time I went there was like 10 years ago when I was till a red crescent member seeking donations. It changed a lot now...

I love the artistic and cultural stuff...they have that kind of 'mysterious factor' that I find it very the end I took out my camera and start to behave like a TOURIST...snapping photos all around me... :)...

but SERIOUSLY can not blame me leh....

there are too many things to see........

...and CHEAP somemore....

...oh~ so cute!!! *Orang Utan = jungle man soft toy* *uuk..uuk..uKK...AKK..AKK..AKK*
Paiseh a...forgot to check the price too...

Well, honestly, this was the first time I went to Riverbank at night. I thought all stores would be tutup = closed. But I was can even get kek lapis = Layered cake....

haha....this one I did ask...1 box = RM 10 or 5 boxes for RM 45...super cheap...and I taste the's really good...not oily and the sweetness is just right!

One great thing about 'sight seeing at night' is that there is no scorching can walk slower than a snail and that won't bother anyone at all...and of get to see these beautiful views.... can take a sampan to get across the river to the kampungs = villages

I also found a new place for 'Me Time'...

hehe :) going to try that out soon....then I shall let you know how is it a...
please stay tuned..:)


  1. wow.. suddenly tourism sarawak?!

  2. m~eow mEEow meoow Meow meOw mEEoWW meow~~ = tourist of the day mah....somemore 'Kuching' girl wor...have to talk kucing too... hehehehe

  3. i'm also a kuching guy mah.. but living in penang.. and helped on visit penang somemore.. i cant speak like Pinang le.. becoz Pinang is a fruit/seed/vege.. hahaha...

  4. lol......Akui...good one...hahahaha


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