
I am in a battle................
everyone is looking at our performances..............
How 2 young ladies are going to transform this hospital........

Never has anyone made it.....
Are we going to make it????.........
Align and Determined we are......
YES...I am certain!!........It's time to make some positive changes.........
With only one strategy......!!
Our Plan: JUST DO IT!
I believe that...DREAMS are the doors to possibilities...because they bring your heart there first....and brought your imagination ALIVE...!!!.....
most of the people don't see what I see.....
and it can be hard to deal with destructive comments ....... knowing that their words are out of their good intentions.........
I was so lost.....and even confused when Devil kept appearing in my head....

Devil: Ming, GIVVVEEE UPP!!!!'s MISSION IMPPOSIBLE....!! You are too young...too inexperience to MAKE A DIFFERENCE.....and you are...*bla bla bla*............and you don't have ..*bla bla bla ........bla bla bla...*......... me thousands of reasons that I am going to fail............

At some point.....I believe Devil was right.........and I am left with accepting this as THE NORM......
* Do read my other entry on 'Monkey Mind' .....then you know who are Diam, Angel and Devil....*

Gradually....I lost my motivation to work.........

 I was lucky......
the turning point started after my voluntary medical conference in Taiwan.......
It had RE-planted the seed of MOTIVATION in me.....
The most powerful tool I have learnt: JUST DO IT!

It has been 2 weeks since I stepped into the kitchen.........
Trying my best to work closely with them....seeking their opinions .....making them understand that I am of no threat.......
I am so glad that my rapport with them are getting stronger.....they started to accept my existence in their territory.....

My deadline for this project is coming soon.......
But so good......:)

There was once my friend told me this: Do not think of Impossible, think of 'I M POSSIBLE'....
I love that.....:)
I know it's possible.....we are ON IT!
Support me all the way k?.......that shall give me extra strength :).....



  1. you noe u can always get my support! Just do it! No harm done! :D

  2. thanks!!! :)...Just do harm done!! copy that!!


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