I Miss BNE

Hi Bloggie! Had lunch yet? I am chewing my food and talking to you at the same time. Cannot tahan already...I just have to throw this out to you.

Today, I am exactly 2 years and 1 day back in Kuching. That somehow make me feel weird. I still recalled how I had this 'indigestion' from cultural shock when I first moved back here... I have lost all my contacts with my friends and most of them were not in Kuching! It was tough and the only place that I feel comfortable was at home with the kids.

I stayed in Brissy till the last day of my visa's expiry date. I didn't have the gut then to tell my friends the day I was leaving...because I knew being such good friends...they would give me farewell party...and I didn't want that!..It just made it harder for me to say goodbye! :(

Every time I got questioned about when I would leave BNE; I just looked back and say 'SOON', without extra information on exactly when. But my friends were clever too, somehow they got my kuching home number and asked my brother about it, and PRETENDed they still didn't know the day I was leaving!

I was so shocked when they held a farewell party for me. Everyone I cared so much were there... My good friends, my xue zhang gege Patrick, caring xue jie, shigu shibo...They made me a ppt on the wonderful time I had with them and recorded one of my favourite song...which all of them sang! :)...that was so sweet!

As I watched the ppt, tears just rolled down my cheeks...It's so hard to say goodbye and the only thing I could do was to have a good look at everyone...one by one...connecting through our eyes...amazingly as I teared ...they too teared :(

Everyone there has made my life in BNE so rich and UNFORGETABLE. They have nourished me and grew me to become who I am today. I love you all!

It has been 2 years back in Kuching. I had grown so much as well. I have changed my job from a Part time Barista to a nutritionist and fitness instructor. I have a new bunch of good friends at work, at the gym and CV :) but none of them can replace anyone in BNE, because everyone I have met is so unique in their own way.

I miss the moments back in BNE, but I understand in life, there are always different 'stations' for everyone. I choose to CHERISH the moments and BE PRESENT when I am with my friends, for one day, they could have walked to another path.

En! Has been inspiring to know everyone who show up in my life :)...there is not accident! I APPRECIATE the time we shared, making those sweet memories of mine; I APPRECIATE myself for taking the COURAGE to move back home and earn more friends. :) old friends stick, new friends come! ABUNDANCE is the word that describe it! ^^

huh...a sense of happiness is filling in! :)

Thanks Bloggie for listening.

:) Eleven again.


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