My Dreamlist of my childhood memories....^^

Watch Aladdin and get amazed with what Genie can pretty Princess Jasmine is and how cute Abu is... (hmm..probably Abu is the hyper version of Diam??hehe...)

The part I like the most is to see how Genie perform his tricks! I still remember Aladdin's first wish is to become a prince and wuala~a prince he is! How nice to just rub on a magical lamp and grant your wish like that! :)...

For most people...they love to immerse in the imagination and sensation of magical feelings. However, as soon as the show is over...there is no's back to REALITY!

It used to be a SECRET...but not anymore!!....
You see... there is a magical lamp in this world that only the people who BELIEVE in it SEES it.

and I am telling you this...because it's true and the best part is: You can grant more than 3 wishes!!

Few months ago...out of curiousity...I tried it myself...

My dreamlist!! and my messy handwrting!

and I must say: GENIE DOES EXIST!

I asked for my name card, it happened!
I asked for position board, it happened!
I asked to INCREASE MY SALARY, few days later I got my increment!
I asked for a dietitian partner and my colleagues have been telling me that is near IMPOSSIBLE...but guess what? IT HAPPENED..I have a partner to work with! :)
I said I want to travel to Bali, and chun chun this year, my family decided to go Bali for a family trip..!! :)
I asked to be a PT instructor, and this came into my life...

It's so cool!! Using Law of Attraction to grant you all the wishes! Of course there are some wishes of mine that has not been claimed...but hehehe....I have sent in my application form to the universe!! and I trust universe that it'll create the opportunities for me...just wait and see ^^...

Here is what you need to do:
1) Get a piece of paper and a pen
2) Write down:
@ What you want to DO
@ What you want to BE
@ Where you want to GO
3) Don't think of how to achieve it. Just make your wishes like you own the Genie..
4) BELIEVE in it :)
5) Which also mean 'do not doubt it' otherwise it cancels off.. :(
6) I strongly recommend you read ' Law of Attraction' available in MPH. It's a powerful tool.

Till then, happy wishing!



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