Joke of the Day #33: Eggs

Kenny and I have been married for almost 8 months, and we are enjoying our lives as the new Mr and Mrs Sia.

To many people, it’s just natural (and almost expected) to fall pregnant at the very beginning of marriage. So when that didn’t happen to us, I get questioned……a lot!

[Just to clarify. We are perfectly healthy. Lol.]

And everytime, when I got asked, I just laughed at it thinking ‘how come others are more excited about the mini version of us than we do wan?’ lol.

But when the same question comes from t.h.e.p.a.r.e.n.t.s.…’s a different story 

Kenny: Guess what?

Me: What?!

Kenny: My mom just asked if we are planning for a baby!

Me: Seriously? I thought you said your mom wouldn’t ask about that?!

Kenny: Yalor. I’m soooooo surprised!

Me: Did you tell her our plans?

Kenny:  No. Maybe I should have said NO and see how she reacted! hahahah

Me: *rubs tummy immediately* Daddy joking only k?!

Kenny:  Wat?! Why are you rubbing your tummy, you’re not pregnant leh~~

Me: I’m talking to my eggs lah!!! 

  (Yap! That's my husband!)

view Joke of the Day #32: Who Farted~~?!


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