Wedding planning RECIPE

Hi peeps! 

Sorry, I've not been updating my blog over the last 3 weeks. And this is just a short post as I need to rush off to do some housekeeping. But I've spared some time tonight to blog on Wedding 101! 

Man, as my wedding draw closer, parents from both sides become so GanCheong ki~~~~! 

If you ask me for a Wedding Planning RECIPE, this is what it looks like:

10% on researching for ideas! 

10% on pulling the ideas together and making it happen!

80% on assuring our parents that things are going to be okay! (Who is on the same boat? hands up pls! T__T)

And be prepared, they ask the same thing again and again and again and again and again and again until.....I beh tahan and wanted to vent it out on my blog!!!! But I have to hold it back cause they are my parents! T________T

Ai~~~ Seriously, I think they are over-reacting! T@@T   <--big big--="" lol="" nostrils="">

Anyone's parents also over-reacting? Share your story with me neh! It's feels much better to know I've company. T.T

Okay, got to go. See ya tonight! Thanks girls for visiting my little space! Am feeling so happy and honored to provide some support on your big day! Anything just drop me a line! 

See ya tonight!

Eleven =)


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