Finding the next pair of Bou Bui Shoes!

If you know me, I’m always in shorts and Tee.

And I have this favourite pair of shoes (well, sandals lah) that I'll slip my feet in and walk around all day, even when I'm travelling!

Caption goes....

Me and my *Bou Bui Sandals (*translation: my see my prints there, it already sunk in and can't be removed. That's how much I love my Bou Bui~~ LOL

But with the new title my husband gave me, Mrs Sia can’t always be in shorts and Tee right? 

Time to upgrade my wardrobe! (hehe)

Which I did! (hehehe)

And I'm ready to dress and impress!

One Problem though!

They don't match with my Bou Bui sandals leh!!! 

A serious mismatch!

*Peninggg Kepalaaa*


I turned to google for solution *searched shoes malaysia*


Google said,
I need new shoes!

(Ai~! Really have to hold that urge to click sandals! LOL!)

There are huge selections of shoes to choose from e.g. flats, heels, boots, ballerinas, sneakers so regardless of the occasions you can find them all on here!

OR, if you prefer to shop via brands, easy, it's here too!

As for me, I checked the boxes on the lower left corner on shoe colour and budget, so the friendly website will narrow down to my closest match! 

(Trust me! It helps!)

Okay my Bou Bui sandals, you know mama loves you. But have a open heart for new friends k? 

I promise that you'll still have your favourite spot on the shoe rack! (Just not that much space anymore. Opps. shhhhh. lolol)


*ahemmm* If you excuse me, I wanna go online and find my next pair of Bou Bui Shoes =D

So girls, if you need new shoes, visit Zalora!

 *CLICK* ^^


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