My little diary: 11th - 13th June 2013

TUESDAY 11.06.13

NOT GOOD! Our parcel has yet to be found!

After our discussion, we put together our Plan B - PowerPuff Girls!!!

We need to find the outfit - most probably colour singlets with shorts and match it with the make up below and tadaaa~ ~ ~ DONE!
Photo from internet
If only things were that easy.... T.T.....our last minute outfit hunting at Plaza Merdeka wasn't fruitful. Sie lohhhh~~ !!! Onion Head Smiley How to relauch liddat?

And, and, and, remember the Freebra I bought from Groupon for Rm 45?

I saw the exact same thing at Plaza Merdeka!!! For RM 39.90!!!!

Onion Head Smiley



WEDNESDAY 12.06.13

First day of Relaunch!! We got Body Attack and Body Balance in the house!

I sneakily snapped this outside of Main Studio when Body Attackers are doing their superhero workout!!! Hehe, Cool huh!

 Sailormoon is here too! 
Oh ya, I forgot to mention, we finally got the parcel like 3 hours ago. So from Sailor Moon to Powerpuff girls to IronMan (idea popped out last night), it's now back to the Original Plan. Now fingers crossed, let's hope we all fit in Sailor Moon outfit alright!

 Here's me trying on one of the outfit!
 Hehehe do I look Japanese?

And this is monkey fomr Body Combat, he is a DBKU staff!! LOL!! He said so not me! hahahahaha

Glad that last minute, things work out well! 
Angels are watching over us I guess! :)

THURSDAY 13.06.13

If you know me personally, you would know that I don't make up except during relaunch! And this time, I put on Anime Make up to make me look like an animated Japanese character!

Geng mou? All my eyeliners and make up stuff!
Only today I realized I got a lot of Kate eyeliners! 

This is my masterpiece!!
Sailor Mars outfit + Anime Makeup!
I took the pic after relaunch so my drawn bottom lashes smudges a little.
 But still, not bad ehh? 

I was feeling overly excited and extremely nervous before the relaunch  But it turned out that I was just wasting my energy cause it was an awesome relaunch!!! :D Everyone loves the new release and I had so much fun jamming with the crazy jammerS! G named the block well - Maximal Jam Crazy!! It truly is!
LUF - Body Jam team! :D (p/s: see~ Fofo and Ryan so alike right?)
That is Me and Kenny after Body Jam and RPM relaunch!

Yeah, I know it looks wrong - Sailor Mars in love with Joker?

Oh come on, he is CERTIFIED a good man now!
hahahahahahaha. :D I even went dating with him at Magenta in our full outfit! LOL

HAHAHAHAHAHAHA!! Betahan!! The waitress screamed seeing Kenny!
hahahahaha April fool came way to early! LOL.

That night, I came home and the cutie pie inspire me to write Joke of the Day # 12: Marry Me! Click to read, it's super cute! :D

Me and the cutie pies!
And if you want to read more about our awesome relaunch over the 3 days, you should read this:
Behind the Scene: Level Up Fitness - Superhero Theme!

Enjoy the photos!


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