My little diary: 5th -7th May 2013

Sunday 05.05.13

Almost had a fight with Da Jie over a very small matter. HaHaHa, that actually feels good. Cause my big sis is like a PM in our family, whatever she says pretty much become the laws and me, the citizen will have to obey. 

My siblings and I came home after breakfast. Since I was served a cup of very diluted coffee (I ordered a kopi kao), the first thing I did was made my own coffee at home. While dad and I were enjoying our cuppa, she keeps bugging me to finish my coffee cause she wants to vote now!

Walao-ehh~.  Stop bugging me! GRRRRHHHH!!

Hate it when people rush me when I am enjoying. You didn't say we came home for toilet break only leh. And now you are rushing me! She went too far and I said straight to her face 'you go first lah! Our vote stations are different anyway!' 

All of a sudden, a live show between the inpatient PM and the rebellious citizen were broadcasting in front of my family. And my Papa had to step in to harmonize the atmosphere. 

Wahhh, come to think about it, it's actually very brave of me to refute big sis. LOL.

Other than the kids, all of us in the family performed our civic duty. To be honest, previously I didn't even bother to vote, cause in my opinion, nothing is going to change. That is the way it is since I was born. I am fed up with the discrepancy of how our government treated us differently between the races.

But bf corrected my perception. how can I expect a change without any action? So he dragged me to Post office at the Pasar and that was how I got registered as a voter last year. :) Thank you dear!

Got to say: One of my proudest moment, is to vote as a true Malaysian for the fate of my country! This is where I was born and raised, this is my home!

That night, Bf and I followed the results online until I fell asleep in his living room (Aiya!). Long story short, what I hoped for didn't happen. :( The first time voter didn't take it very well. Can't sleep that night.

Monday 06.05.13

I wore black today. My hair is black, my top is black, my pants are black, my heals are black. Lots of people have changed their FB profile to black too. It's a protest! (In case you haven't read about it, here it is)

*sigh* We are not over the voting fever yet.

I don't wanna talk now!

Tuesday 07.05.13

Tuesday is a workout day. 
I did 30 x Reverse lunges
15 x Push up
3 rounds x Running
30 x Star Jump
30 x Sit up & twist combo

 Got my dose of Happy hormones, I feel so good!

I think the caption should go: Sweaty is the new Sexy!!

But no matter how Sexy I feel, I can never beat this hottie here!
Aiya this dear dear!! 
Wei wei wei!! What do you want again?! *prepare to pull his ear*


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