My little diary: 4th - 5th Apr 2013

Thursday 04.04.13

It’s past 12 midnight and I was dead tired.

I dragged myself upstairs, ready to remove the prop from my eyelids, this is when I heard the sounds of flapping wings. Oh birdy, what are you up to?

As I walked closer, birdy was caught in between a piece of tattered cloth and it’s flapping its wings hard to free itself. Aiyo, birdy, I am so close to my bedroom, why won’t you let me sleep? *propping toothpick back to eyelids*

So Mommy bird went to the rescue.

Due to birdy’s unusual wing structure (much longer), the only way to save little birdy was to torn the cloth apart. As I was concentrating on pulling the cloth apart, very carefully, I suddenly felt as if there was something moving behind me! Wei~ don’t scare me leh! Past midnight dy!!!

Onion Head Smiley

Sie jau Sie Lah! I looked behind and saw……

Hey~ Princey!!! What are you doing out here?

 Ahhh~ ~, so I see ~ ~~, both of you trying to run away from home huh?! Naughty Naughty!!!

I sent them back to their cage and tissue box and I put myself to bed.

(6 hours later)

First thing Belle Belle asked me was if I have seen birdy. It’s gone! (Opps, I hope it’s not me). We search every possible place that it might be hiding and it was negative.

I guess little birdy has recovered and decided to fly back to its real nest then! Well, happy reunion, little birdy! It’s nice to be mommy birdy for a day. Oh……. Crap! 

Onion Head Smiley The worms!! What am I gonna do with them?


In the end, when I opened up the black plastic bag where the box of worms was kept, most of them have wiggled their way out from the box. Uhhhh!! Disgusting!! ! Geli till the max!!!

I literally ‘sprint’ to our lawn and emptied everything in that black plastic bag. Ok worms, listen!! It depends on your luck now; if you got lucky you will survive, if not reincarnate into something cuter and less Geli in your next life ok. Please don’t blame me!

Ai~ so guilty!!  It’s not just one worms, it’s countless worms. 

Onion Head SmileyAi~ I am going to hell, I am going to hell. Please forgive me worms./(ToT)\ I am so sorry!!!

When I came back from work and give them a quick check, they were all gone. I don’t know what happened but the fact that I didn’t witness any bird feasting on them when I left make me believe that they made it.  I guess there is still room for heaven? (oh please!)

Then leh, that night, while I was watching TV, Celeste ‘O loh’ me about my nail colour. 
Too much shopping, that was how I got my plasters! hehe
With her tiny fingers pointing at my toes, she kept saying ‘小姑姑你很美啊小姑姑!’ Then she squat down and continue to admire my nail colour. 

Betahan her,hahaha, I find her so adorable~ ~!  I feel her admiration when she laid her eyes just inches away from my toes. LoL.

Then she kissed my toes abruptly! From my lungs to my vocal cords, a sudden burst of shriek erupted in the living room. Wahhh~ ~!! You know how LOUD Heng Hua is right?!)

In a state of startle, my head went ‘HELP!!! My toes kena raped! My toes kena raped!!’

You silly silly girl!!

I would never forget this day!

Friday 05.04.13 

Da Jie and dad returned from KK to attend SIL’s bro’s wedding. Da Jie said KK airport black out for 20 mins and it was in total chaos! Anyhow, with a delayed fight, they managed to land in Kuching safely.

Kenny came over after his massage. My poor ‘deer deer’ his dark circles are prominent from far. With the new 24 hour branch coming up at Arena Sukan, he has been devoting his time and effort in preparation of its opening. (Please click to visit LevelUp Fitness Website and do join our  Facebook page. Thanks!)

As his gf, I feel sooo proud of what he does - changing peoples’ life for the better!

I always admire his vision and creativity in the fitness industry. But I am also concern about his health. The workload he is handling is astonishing! Sometimes I just wish….. I could be his second pair of hands…

Lying on his chest with his arm wrapped around me, I look at the love of my life. Oh my ‘deer deer’, tell me how can I contribute?

At that moment, I have to remind myself to worry less.

I have this bad habit of absorbing his tiredness into endless worries cause he means so much to me! But I know being a ‘worrier’ doesn't help in the situation.

You know how when you climbed up somewhere higher and the view you see grew wider? It’s the same thing! I need to take a step out from the situation, and understand what he needed the most! And it's support and rest!

It’s hard to sacrifice our ‘us time’, but it’s harder for me to watch him drained in exhaustion, simply because I love him, so much!

Dear Universe, I believe in energy and law of attraction, may it be business partners or staff, please send the right person to Kenny at growing Level Up Fitness.

Thank you dear Universe. 


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