Last Chapter of Life (Part 4)

That was what I typed few hours ago just right before I was called into the room.

It's Friday, Mom and Dad had a wedding dinner to attend, my Bro and my SIL had family gathering. I have to stay back home to look after my granny. Somehow she is so hard to please tonight. She kept saying she had just passed motion, but when I opened up her diaper, nothing was found. Just imagine that happen repeatedly.....and I meant......EVERY FEW MINUTES......FOR THE NEXT 3 HOURS!!!......*I am not kidding, it's 11ish now*

I didn't finish reading the SAME newspaper article that I read 4 hours ago (7ish), my dinner took me 1 hour to finish (8ish). That was not it. She doesn't understand what I told her: if you want to BO, it's totally OKAY to BO on your diaper that is what it is there for; but she insist of going to the toilet to BO cause 'I want to pass motion'.......yeah, she totally mute what I just said. =.="

The whole night, she was telling me ' I want to BO' or 'I already BO'.......and I end up getting more frustrated every time nothing was seen. I was so glad my SIL return home. Don't know if it's a coincident or miracle.....she passed motion not long after my SIL came back! but she said she felt there is more but it's not coming up.

We tried different ways, from massaging to playing religious music to help her to relax. They didn't work. But we know what will.......ENEMA!

Quick Dictionary:
Enema: a solution that is injection into the rectum (20ml for adults; 10 mls for kids) to relief constipation.

None of us have used it before, so I studied the instructions carefully and perform it on my granny......!!! I have to give myself a pat on my back! I did it right! It worked! *HUURAY* Within the next few minutes, what was stuck in her is out!

I am so glad the drama is over!

I have another drama to tell you..........clue: something she sees but I don't see....*SCREAM*!!!!

I got to leave it to tomorrow...I AM SO TIRED.

CIAO ~!!


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