Mommy - Bloggie talk

Hi my little bloggie..... :)...

Mommy here :)

I just returned from Singapore....from my training. 

So glad it's over.....and hor... I manage to met up your aunty Lucy for dinner....

and convince Uncle Leo to donate $$ to support world vision too... :)
Proud of Mommy??

it's day 3 after my training...but somehow, the tiredness still stays in Mommy body.....! :(
siok siok Mommy?

See...Mommy and Uncle FoFo...both...CHANNNN ZORRR..... ~ ~ ~!!!
Baby bloggie know...Mommy forgot to pack sports wear to SG for training ....=.="....*oh boy*...
Mommy got panick!!!.... ><"

 At time like this....only one thing can save Mommy ...
it's call...C.R.E.D.I.T.C.A.R.D.

remember's not a toy for you until you start earning money ahh....
Mommy swipped it a few times...
to buy things like this....

Now that I have to x 2.5 to whatever I had bought...
Mommy loss appetite dy.
So broke lah!

My little bloggie ahh....luckily Mommy don't have to feed you and buy diapers for you.

so you guai guai behave ahh...Mommy is heading out to Vietnam today....
then I come back and tell you more stories ahh....


Mommy loves you!



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