Guess my age

How old am I??
*I promise I won't slap you if you get it wrong....!!*
a) turning 16
b) one year younger than a form 5 student
c) same age as Justin Bieber
d) Simply just sixteen

*see...I didn't slap you :D*
hehe.... after my hair cut....I look like I am in my SWEET 16 right??...*HAHAHAHA* 
some patients thought I am a student on attachment and started to ask me 'How long have you been working here?' *HAHAHAHAHA!!!!*

If I can apply the magic of SWEET 16 this coming Chinese New Year to earn me more Ang Pows *which previously I can earn a lot in CNY*, that would be just wonderful!...because yesterday I bought myself an expensive birthday present!

My initial plan of a Chinese New Year gateway didn't workout due to holiday freeze.....since it's recently been 'defroze'....I decided to buy myself 1 week of Holiday to Bangkok and Penang to SEE THE WORLD~ and OPEN My EYES...and GROW UP!! :)......YES!!

well...the answer to my age...
*deng deng deng *......I am turning 26 in another few days!...

* Do I look like 26 to-be now?*


Reflecting on my life.....I felt that....for the past 24 years of my life....~ is such a ROUTINE for was to me a norm, at that time, a process that everyone else in the world of my age has to go days was like a 24 hours movie, replaying the same thing again and again....

when I turned 25...............I had this awareness that ...........when things become a routine....something is WRONG!!!....I was operating in an AUTOPILOT mode......I wasn't living FULLY!!

Twenty-five, is a turning point for's a year that Ming has finally OWN her life............. a year that Ming GROWS UP a lot........a year that Ming finally learns to CONNECT to herself and be the BEST that she can be .......a year that Ming earns a few close FRIENDS.........:)....It is the best year of my life!!!...........SO FAR....*hehehehe...turning 26 mah....26 will be even better :)*....and I have a feeling that something big is coming into my life this year :)!!

The 'Ming' that used to think that 26 is the age of GETTING OLD......*because if I round it up in maths....I am closer to the 3-0* longer think that way!!'s a process of GROWING UP!!.....:)
I will enjoy my last few days of 25 :)...then I am going to give my 26 a BIG welcoming hug!! :)


  1. really don't look like you are turning

    Happy Birthday !

  2. hahahaha~~~...16 only...16 only....:P...

    Thanks for the wishes!! :)

    p/s: have we met??...i got memory of a 61....paise ah...

  3. Hey.. happy birthday, gal!
    regardless of your age.. you still have the sweetest smile.. and that's enough! :D


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