Unforgetable Christmas holidays

I don't know how you spend you christmas holidays....but I sure didn't like mine.....

I fall sick!! Had fever for one day + cold sweats and diarrhoea the second day with a BP of 90/50 only. Not fun!!....

While my LUF gang were having fun at the 'B-eat' gathering....I was at home.....HIBERNATING...~!!!.....so kelian!! >< ....but I tell you...after 2 days of minimal oral intake and after those 'cleansing' that I had through the other end of the exit.....hor ~!...my tummy was so FLAT!...........(ya...it's gone now...after I start eating... @.@)

You know how the chinese drama series always show the goddess 'flying' around on a big piece of clouds.....well I kind of experience that this morning when I came to work....except I had no clouds underneath my feet....and I was already 'floaty'.....and stars were orbiting around my forehead.....

First stop of the day........deng deng deng....meeting with lady boss....it was such a long meeting......and I was so DIZZY......~!!....
'Why am I here??'...................'oh.................tuesday....working day'......  *few minutes later*
'so why am I here...... when I am not feeling well??......'oh oh..................*think*......I know I know....because I am given 1 day sick leave'......
'oh...okay~...'.......'so what is everyone doing here??'..........'oh.....ya....JCI meeting!'......
*that is me talking to me btw :P*
but I can tell you....I don't recall what was the main messages in the meeting......lips were moving......but I must have AUTO MUTE everyone.......and fall asleep with my eyes wide open.....that is an ADVANCE level already......hahahahaha.......

Whereever I went....my collegues were asking me...if I am okay or not.....*at least 6 people*......why I look pale *at least 3 people*....and the PR manager was so straight to the point ' Ming, you look like you are going to faint'......luckily I didn't go....'YA...YOU ARE RIGHT! *then faint in front of her*'.....lol....

I am much better now.....still a bit lagging but at least I am not dizzy now.
Waiting for the energetic Ming to get back to work.....aiyo...so much to do at work and LUF launching.....but like what he said...one step at a time....we will get there without realising it. :)


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