Mother-Daughter-Aunty talk's so funny.....and it all started with my conversation with my mom.

Me:...Ma~ yesterday XN (my best friend) registered her marriage lo!.....Patrick xue zhang (our part time brother)...was asking for her number all the way from I send XN a message to warn her before telling him her number.....(as my best friend wanted to keep it 'low' profile....and only let others know when she has her wedding dinner next year).......
Me: .....hmm...I wonder how Patrick xue zhang knew ah????

Mom:....*while blow drying her hair with a fan* .....OHH~!! ...maybe it's ME!.....
Me: ....HARR????..... met your Patrick xue zhang in Taiwan...and he was asking about you.....and he mentioned about XN I just popped out like that lor....~ ~ ~

Me: HoRRR~ ~!!!!......MOM~!!! ....!!....XN wants to keep it low profile....~!! do I know??? You didn't tell me.....!!!

Me: .....(that is very smart, ma ~...Saya pula yang kena blame!!) do I know you are going to meet Patrick Xue Zhang ah??

Mom:.......*still blow drying her hair*......never mind la.....getting married is good news mah.....tell her I am sending my blessings to her......

*oh yes...that is my intelligent mom.....she knows how to change the direction of our conversation......* when is yours???

Me:....Ma~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~!! I am single le.... @-@"

Mom:.....can start looking lor.....

Me: ......* I really don't know mom can make this sound so think it's fishing meh? so I asked my Mom..* .......MA~ ~!! to find one ah??...

Mom:.....find someone that is RESPONSIBLE....DON'T DRINK...DON'T SMOKE.......and can AFFORD TO SUPPORT YOU.....

Me: .....*...oh my Mama....that fits a lot of people le ~* I have someone I like...but I don't know how he feels about me.... that ah??......then keep your eyes open lor.....don't just lock on one person...get to know more people.....* my Mom is talking!!! *.....(car beeping) comes your aunty!

Aunty:.....looking good ~!!....*then whisper in my ears* boyfriend or not???.....

Me: boyfriend yet...-_-..

Aunty: .....HARR???...REALLY??? must be picky!!!......or you lie??????? boyfriend or not??....* should see her dramatic!*

Me:.....*shook my head* boyfriend.....-_-"

Aunty:......aiyo~ ~!!........your big sis so pretty....with her big big eyes...your er jie (other sis) slim....and you got the look and height.....don't be so picky la.....! *and she went on and on ~ ~ *......

Aunty:...... find someone HONEST will do.....the rest never mind one.....that is the most important thing I tell you.!!!!..................and if you are wondering what happen to my 2 girls at home (both my cousions in their 30's still single)......I GIVE UP ON THEM ALREADY~!!!....


....I think it's that season again......season for aunties aunties association to gossip...I bet they are talking about me during their dinner out too......!!...


  1. is like that la..
    even my mum keep asking me when i gonna get a gf..
    and my aunty also asked when bring gf back for them see see.. (which i dun even have 1 to bring back)
    and even my frens.. keep telling me to get a gf because soon it's time to get married..

  2. haha...akui...just keep your eyes open la....the right girl will come to you...when she appears...tell her how you feel a...that is guy's


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